8 . watching you

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Iris pov

He had me cornered with his intimidating gaze and closeness , I was shivering , I can faint anytime soon if added some more tension in this room .

I kept taking long breaths .

" Yes sir ... I am sure " I said trying to sound in monotone but failing miserably .

He smirked wickedly at my nervousness .

" Okay then " he went back and sat down .

Phew ...

" I also hope you are aware that , you cannot resign in these three years , you should strictly oblige to the contract and work in this company
For 3 years " he said narrowing his eyes as I gulped .

" I..I understand " I replied

" You do ?" He side smiled quirking one of his brow .

" Yes sir " I responded .

This guy will be the death of me ....

" Bring me the expenses reports and file-B6 from second floor , ask secretary Trisha for assistance today "
He instructed in monotone voice .


" Yes sir " I turned to leave as his words stopped me again .

" And you don't have your own space to work , you work in my office on that side of table over there "
He said and turned to his laptop .

I nodded rushing out .

Few minutes later

" Here this is where you can find following reports and files important to the CEO , and you can observe the arrangements here , reports are on right side of the shelves , file-B6 must be on top right side , the stool's here .."
Trisha pointed in a corner .

I nodded firmly ,

" Thank you "

" You are welcome , by the way , aren't you Andria's friend ? " She asked opening the door to leave .

" Yes ... How did you know ? " I asked

" Well she always talks about you " she chuckled and left closing the door shut .

I sighed , what must have Andria been talking about me ?

I turned around and as Trisha told me , there was indeed a cctv camera , about four of them .

I swiftly turned and took the stool , unlocking the shelf with a key Trisha gave me earlier .

I scrolled through them and finally found the files .

I walked out and bumped into someone , I instantly looked up .

" Hey sorry , didn't you see ya there " I heard his joyful voice .

It was non other than Patrick , the guy whom Andria crushes on every day and night .

" I am sorry too , I was in a rush " I smiled .

" Are you new ? " He asked I nodded

" Oh hi I am Patrick " he extended his hand to me , I deliberately took and we shook hands .

" I am Iris " I said and he nodded .

" I have definitely heard your name around here " he said smiling warmly .

Must be Andria .

" Oh really ? " I asked

He nodded " quite few times "

" Oh okay then , we both were in a rush , let's get going " I waved at him walking past .

" Sure " he said and sprinted somewhere .


*Knock knock*

" Come in " I got inside and reached to his table .

" Here's the file and reports sir " I informed him .

" What took you soo long ? " He asked his eyes still on laptop .

" I kinda struggled finding Trisha " I lied , finding her was like blowing a whistle , it was easy .

" I see " he looked at me .

" Recheck those files kept on your table and after you are done , I need few print outs of those " I nodded and went back to work .

" I am watching your every move iris " I heard his voice to which my head shot up and looked at him .

My eyes widened at him he was staring at me the whole time with stern face .

Was he watching me through CCTV phootage ? But .... Why ? Is it because I am new here .

He resumed with his work and I continued mine .

This is kinda intimidating , what's the point in watching me ? I am an assistant not some burglar .

" Come here " I heard his voice

I walked in slow steps towards his table and stopped at a distance .

He looked at me and tapped his fingers on left side of his table near him , indicating me to stand there .

I walked and stood where he asked me to , the material of his coat touching my mid thigh , I folded my hands to my chest and looked at him .

" Go through this real quick " I looked at the laptop and slightly bent forward , scrolling the page .

I heard his breaths , I gulped , his face was turned to me .

I can't with this much closeness ...

" No errors sir " I responded pulling back breathless .

" You can go now "

Thank god ...

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