“Oh, so glad you're here! Know that I will sue all of you for firing me! When they should be firing Natasha Romanoff, who is having sex with the CEO of the company to get promoted!

— Steve? Brady contemplates the scene before him in dismay, while Collin seems to have lost his voice and Barbara Bailey has a confused look on me.

"Aren't you the girl who made the shrimp that nearly killed me?"

Holy shit, rock bottom seems to have no end for me.

"Erin hit Natasha!" Hill yells and Steve's gaze lands on me, inquiring.

“It was nothing,” I stutter, scared to death. “I mean, maybe she hit me with her crutch, but…

“Guys, what the hell is going on here? Collin seems to have regained his voice. "One employee beating another in the middle of the lobby, while accusing her of sleeping with Steve, and for God's sake, what is that girl doing kneeling on the floor?" He points to Wanda, who is still on the floor with her eyes closed, whispering “go into the light… go into the light”.

"Nobody wants to listen to me!" Erin continues. "I'm telling you, it's all this slut's fault!" He points the crutch at me and I cringe. "She's secretly engaged to Steve Rogers!" All this mess is her fault! It's all Natasha Romanoff's fault!

— Guys, is it true? Phil asks and suddenly everyone is talking at the same time.

— Okay, enough! - Steve's voice takes on an authoritative tone and everyone shuts up. “Take Erin to the security room.

Just then I notice the presence of the security guards holding Erin, who is still struggling, leading her tofar away.

Where the hell were they while that crazy woman was assaulting me?

“All of you, get back to work. Now! Steve orders and everyone starts walking away, still whispering to each other.

And then his gaze settles on me as he assesses me.

- Are you okay? Controlled fury drips into his voice. I just nod.

Maybe it's time for him to start throwing karate chops at everyone, and then pulling me to the roof of the building, where a helicopter awaits us to flee to Mexico.

We could make a fortune as drug traffickers.

"Steve, are you going to explain what's going on?" — It's Barbara who questions, snapping me out of my reverie, and she doesn't look happy at all.

Then the most bizarre thing happens. Steve holds my hand.

“Yes, I think I can explain.

Oh my. God.

Honestly, I'd rather be anywhere but here, sitting in Steve's office as he exposes our secret engagement to DBS shareholders, who are listening intently.

Of course, Steve only told an edited version, which boiled down to "we met, we got involved, we couldn't help it, we know it could turn into a problem at the company, so discretion, Erin discovered, Erin decided to make a fuss later." Steve fired her because she tried to blackmail him.”

Wait, what do you mean?

"What do you mean Erin tried to blackmail you?" I ask helplessly, and Steve gives me a “for God's sake, shut up” look. 'Why didn't she tell me?'

“Natasha…” he starts, but Barbara cuts him off.

“Steve, this is all very serious!

“I know, that's why I couldn't keep Erin here. Furthermore, she is not a competent employee and, as we have just discovered, quite emotionally unstable and aggressive.

“Yes, Erin has crossed the line, but we need to talk about her relationship with Miss Romanoff. - Barbara fixes her attention on me.

“She was at your house, you lied to me.

Oh shit!

“I'm sorry, Barbara, but as I was explaining to you…” Steve starts to speak.

“Look, I didn't try to kill you, okay? I cut him off, wanting to make it clear to Barbara that I'm not a shrimp killer or anything. "I didn't know you were allergic!" And I went over to Steve's apartment to make him dinner and I didn't know you were there, so I made it up...

“You preferred to lie and make a fool of me. Her voice takes on an ice-cold tone and I cringe.

Oh, damn.

- Natasha, I think you better leave now - Steve asks and I look at him confused.

- But…

He remains unyielding.

“Please, Natasha. Wait in his room.

With no alternative, I stand up and rush out of the room.

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