Until that afternoon I hadn't understood why Erin was so worried about Natasha Romanoff. Okay, I knew she didn't like her assistant, and I could understand it, given Natasha's penchant for not taking her job too seriously. Hence the musing that Natasha was plotting to take her place was a bit much.

So when I saw Natasha so passionately defending her project at the meeting, a project that she redid from scratch in a few hours and turned out great, I finally understood. Erin was scared. She had already realized that Natasha was too smart, even if she didn't try very hard. And if she started to stand out even if she didn't want to — it's worth remembering the episode in the presentation text of the new application — what would happen if she really decided to try? Erin knew her limitations, though she wouldn't admit it.

She knew perfectly well that Natasha Romanoff could excel.

And she was right.

That's why he wanted to take her out of circulation, demanding that I fire her so she could continue doing her mediocre job without anyone threatening her position.

God, it was a ridiculous strategy, to say the least, which ended up becoming a major problem when Erin found out about my involvement with Natasha. She knew she was cornering me.

Only I was fed up with Erin York and her repression.

I wouldn't allow him to threaten me, let alone harm Natasha.

- Are you serious? Mark looks at me confused. “Why would Erin blackmail you?

I take a deep breath and fill Mark in on all my involvement with Natasha. Not the real version, complete with fake engagement and cubby bonesto which they break, but a shortened and perfectly acceptable version.

"Fuck, Steve, was that you then?" “Mark's jaw dropped. “I mean, pardon the swearing, but… holy shit! So Billy from security was right in the bet?

“Yes, he saw us in the elevator. I talked to him afterwards and warned him of the need to be discreet.

"And does anyone else know?"

— Alan Felton.

— And I came to think that he was Natasha's fiancé, because everyone knows he's fallen for her...

- No, it's not. “I can't help but get angry. “Now Erin found out too and asked you to fire Natasha.

“She didn't ask. She demanded! And she threatened to tell the shareholders everything if I didn't give in to her blackmail.

“Why does Erin want me to fire Natasha Romanoff? I do not understand!

“Because she's afraid Natasha will take her place. Mark frowns in disbelief. “I know, it sounds like a silly thing, although in Erin's mind it makes a lot of sense. And the thing is, Erin is right, Natasha is really going to take her place.

“Wait, are you going to fire Erin and still put Natasha in her place?

“Natasha is competent enough to take the job and I can't just sit back and agree to blackmail! And not to keep Erin in the company after her deplorable attitude.

- I agree, then she will tell what she knows and will harm you in the same way! And what will it look like if you still give her job to Natasha Romanoff?
Steve, this is not going to work!

Shit. Mark is right.

I'm screwed and I don't know how to get out of the situation I put myself in.

“If you agree with Erin, I'll have to fire Natasha.

"And would it be that bad?" Maybe it's the only solution—Mark ends up venting my most secret thoughts. If Natasha wasn't a DBS employee anymore, she could be my fiancée no problem. No more secrets. Problem solved.

Hell, I knew it would be a solution.

But how to fire Natasha?

“I know it's a drastic solution, but how did you think you were going to solve this issue, Steve? How could he keep this secret for long? Or is his involvement with Natasha Romanoff temporary?

Therein lies the issue.

The truth is, I still hadn't stopped to think about Natasha in permanent terms. Okay, I had proposed that we turn the fake engagement into a real commitment. For the simple reason that I'm crazy about her.

And I think even my parents' party, where everyone seemed to be taking part in a large wedding ceremony organization, I hadn't really imagined that if we were engaged, a wedding was expected to take place at some point.

Marriage implies "forever".

Right now I can't imagine my life without Natasha Romanoff's craziness. However, will I always feel this way? The truth is, I'm too sensible a guy to blindly believe in feelings and "happily ever after".

Okay, it can happen. Take my parents, for example.

But Natasha and I have only known each other for a short time. And I have no idea where this is all going to take us.

“I think that's the question to ask. If it's a passing thing, maybe you don't need to fire Natasha Romanoff. You just need to put an end to this relationship. After all, as I understand it is still recent. And it would be ideal to nip it in the bud. “I feel like telling Mark to stop putting my involvement with Natasha in those terms. She's not a weed that needs to be pulled out of my life. However, my rational side knows that Mark's words contain an unfortunate truth. “If it's the other way around, you'll have serious decisions to make. And, if I may ask a board, the first thing you should do is convene the shareholders and tell the truth. The company gossip will happen one way or another, but it will pass.
On the other hand, shareholders may not approve of the company's CEO getting involved with an employee and their relationship turning into a scandal. And I think you know very well. In that case, the only solution will be to fire Natasha Romanoff so he can stay with her.

Yes, Mark is right.

I have an important decision to make and simply getting rid of Erin is not the solution.

Maybe I need to get rid of Natasha.

One way or another.

And the question is, which way will I choose?

An Unexpected EngagementWhere stories live. Discover now