Ch 25: The Boiling Rock Part I

Start from the beginning

We started talking about his family, and how he felt he disappointed his uncle. But he said the decision wasn't difficult, besides leaving his girlfriend, Mai. 

"My first girlfriend turned into the moon," I said, in an attempt to connect with him. 

"That's rough, buddy. Guess that makes this whole Y/n thing even tougher," he said. I nodded. 

"It's hard, knowing I couldn't help her. But I try to remind myself that she's strong, that she can handle a lot," I told him. He nodded. 

"She is, and I think you've helped a lot with that," he said to me and I was taken aback. I don't think I helped her that much...


Zuko woke me up to show me we had arrived. There was a giant steam cloud covering the entrance, and that acted as our disguise to sneak in. Except our cover made our landing harder. 

The heat outside rendered the heat inside the balloon useless, causing us to crash land. Thankfully we didn't land in the water, but our balloon was destroyed.

"I suspected this might be a one-way ticket. My dad might be here, I had to come see," I told Zuko and I kicked the balloon remains into the lake. 

"I hope you know what you're doing. There's no turning back now," Zuko said and I nodded. We snuck in through a service entrance of the prison, and wandered around until we found a uniform closet. We put some on and left. 

"We just need to lay low and find my dad as soon as possible," I told Zuko but then another guard called out to us, instructing us to help with a scuffle in the yard. 

We followed and found a prisoner and a guard going at it, the guard appearing to be the agitator. That is until the prisoner firebent at the guard in self defense. 

"You! Help me take him in," the guard yelled at me, and I didn't have a choice. I turned to Zuko. 

"Meet back here in an hour," I whispered and ran off to help. I followed the guard and the prisoner, whose name was Chit-Sang, to a room that was ice cold. Literally. 

Zuko POV

While Sokka was taking away the prisoner, I decided to follow the other guards. I ended up in the lounge, so I just followed everyone's lead and got food. 

I sat down at a table and decided to pry a little. 

"Can the new guy ask you veterans a few questions about the prison?" I asked.

"No, you can't date the female guards," the lady next to me said seriously. 

"Trust me, you don't want to," the man across from her said, receiving a cup to the head in response. 

"No, that's not it. The Boiling Rock holds the Fire Nation's most dangerous criminals, right? So what about war prisoners? Water or earthbenders?" I asked. The others looked at me seriously before shaking their heads.

"War prisoners barely get sent here, and maybe some earthbenders, but definitely not a waterbender. It'd be too much of a hassle with the lake around," the lady explained. I nodded and finished half my food, leaving to go tell Sokka. 

His dad's not here, and even though he doesn't know he was hoping this, Y/n's probably not here either. 

Sokka POV

I looked into the locked ice room at Chit-Sang shivering. 

"It sure looks cold in there," I said aloud. 

"That's why we call it the cooler. He won't be firebending in there," the guard said before slapping my chest. "It's the warden, look alive!" 

A buff man with a signature headband walked up to the door, opening it and talking to the prisoner. 

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