Chapter 28: Broken

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"Father, I think your improvements are working. I feel stronger."

"Those 'improvements' are drugs, Jane. Steroids. And I wouldn't have to use them on you if you were good enough on your own. But I guess that's asking for too much."

"But... Father—"

"You were a mistake. A real daughter wouldn't give me this much disappointment."

"...I know, Father. I'm sorry."

Her hand trembles as she forces herself to knock on the polished wooden door. She always remembered this house being massive, but she was little back then. Though, even now that she has grown, it's still intimidating with its size and splendor.

Jane stands stiffly and takes a step back when the door cracks open and she sees the tired man who looks far too young to be her father, but he is. The moment his eyes land on her, he seems to lose whatever sense of joy he may have been feeling before he made the mistake of answering the door.

"Hello, Father..." she shows him a small smile and waves timidly, but she lowers her hand back to her side when he just sighs and shakes his head.

"What are you doing here, Jane?"

She forces herself to not bite her lip or fidget, and to keep direct eye contact.

"I just wanted to visit you before leaving on my next mission... I don't now if you heard, but... I made it to Val'Guard." She smiles hopefully.

He groans and closes his eyes, but she can tell how he rolls them behind his eyelids. He takes a step back and opens the door further, motioning her in.

The man sits on the armchair set in front of the fireplace and pours himself a cocktail, not offering her either a drink or a place to sit. He just sits with his back to her, just staring at the fire and rolling the drink in his hand over his shoulder.

"I did hear about that, actually. Jane Harvey; leading member of the 'Cogency Elites' on some top-secret mission. I almost couldn't believe it..." he takes a sip from his glass.

Jane holds her breath and feels what might be a smile sneaking its way to her face.

She should know better.

"I couldn't believe it when I shortly after heard that you not only got bumped off of the Val'Guard, but had your Augmentation revoked by The Director. Anneliese was kind enough to give you that gift in the first place, and it cost me a small fortune, but I should have known better than to waste my money on something you would only end up losing..." he sighs resignedly and takes another drink, a longer one this time.

He glances over his shoulder, hardly even looking at her.

"Are you trying to let me down, Jane?"

She instantly shakes her head. "No, Father. I'm going to get my ability back. The mission I am currently on is to prove myself worthy enough for—"

"And yet, here you are. Seeking my... what? My approval? As if there is anything you've done since the day you were born to earn even a sliver of my respect."

"I just thought—"

"Stop thinking so much, Jane. You'll only end up hurting yourself."

He empties the rest of the glass and sets it on the end table, grabbing the bottle but instead of refilling the cup, he just starts drinking it straight.

He sets the bottle back down and shakes his head, returning to stare at the fire.

"When push comes to shove, you damn well better push back because no one will ever love you enough to help you up when you fall. After all, no one loves a failure."

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