Izuku's Drago

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In this AU, the quirks are replaced by Beyblades and at the age of 4, young kids can have their own beys to play and fight with.

Izuku and his sister Izumi were planning on being the strongest people in the world and when Izuku got his first beyblade and played with it a few months. The people on his home town took away his bey because they felt he was getting too powerful and this left Izuku sadden and angry. Izumi tried to cheer him up but didn't work. At the age of 15, he left to wonder around. After a few months of wondering, he was confronted by someone who offered to help him with his dream and give him a powerful bey, but said "If you can control it, then it'll be yours"
Izuku thought about it before saying yes. Izuku then came into the possession of the dark beyblade known as L Drago.

Eri is going to be this AU's Kenta and the rest of the main 1-A members will be in this. Mainly Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, Ochako, Hatsume, Iida, Denki, Jiro, Momo, Mina, Tsuyu, Aizawa, Toshinori, Enji, and so on.

Also, what should Eri's Beyblade be named along with the rest.

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