seven. strange frequencies

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THE YOUNGEST HALE returned home early the following morning to two anxious parents waiting for her in the middle of their box riddled home

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THE YOUNGEST HALE returned home early the following morning to two anxious parents waiting for her in the middle of their box riddled home. Selina had forgotten to send them a text; she was too busy thinking about the events that took place outside Liam's house to do it.

Theo had done his best to comfort his friend.

Though his place in her life tore them apart

He had left two members of the pack not speaking, which was a part of his plan as soon as he stepped on Beacon Hills soil.

Selina just saw him as a friend who was trying to rekindle an old friendship, and accidentally getting to Liam in the process.

The werewolf didn't tell her parents why she disappeared overnight. Even after their little argument, Derek was still worried about her whereabouts; he and Paige assumed that she had stayed over at a friend's house, but still had a sickening feeling in the deep pits of their stomachs that she may have gone missing.

And it went away when their daughter opened the door to the loft.

Not one tear was shed after the night before, Selina went along with their assumption that she had stayed over at her friend Gwen's house. She said that it was late at night, her phone had died and forgot to bring her charger when she went to the new house to paint the walls of her room, and that her friend's house was conveniently a 15 minute walk down the road.

She could've said it was Theo, but Paige was still as suspicious as Stiles was. She didn't want another comment saying that he was dangerous and that Selina shouldn't trust him.

The teenager sat on the couch watching TV in the afternoon as she packed things into boxes, enjoying its last moments before it had to be unplugged for moving.

Scott had come over around after lunch, with a map in hand and a plan for a new Chimera in mind.

And when Selina was told who it was

She was pissed.

The four werewolves stood around the large table that sat in front of the wall length window. "Telluric currents again?"Derek said, watching as Scott unrolled the map that settled in his hands and set it across the table with the help of a few heavy objects to hold it down provided by Selina and Paige.

"If the Dread Doctors didn't like coming into Eichen House because of them, maybe we can use them to protect Hayden."The McCall proposed his idea.

"So, where's the strongest convergence? Besides Eichen?"Derek questioned.

Scott pointed to the upper right corner of the map, "Selina and I go to it 5 times a week"He said, pointing to a box of text that marked 'Beacon Hills High School'.

"You want to hide her in the school?"Paige asked, confused. "Are you sure that'll be safe for her?"

"We'll make it safe"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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