six. required reading

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ALL SELINA NEEDED was a distraction; the only thing she needed to get through the week

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ALL SELINA NEEDED was a distraction; the only thing she needed to get through the week. And thankfully, organising her things for moving to a new home was the exact thing that worked. Most of her belongings remained in the loft where she had lived the past 6 months, along with childhood memories that Scott had brought down from the loft when was told the news.

Selina and Liam hadn't spoken, no altercation of any kind.
The sophomores had turned to thinking about anything else aside from their small, yet impacting argument. Selina focused on moving; helping her parents choose furniture and paint for the walls. Liam continued with his normal routine as if their feud had never happened- if he wasn't the one that started the silence.

The Hale didn't want to admit it, she'd beat down anyone who tried to talk to her about it all. She waited for Liam to text her and apologise.

But she knew that he wasn't going to.

And he hadn't.

Liam had his thoughts on Theo set in stone.

It made her angry. It made her fed up. After the many times Selina had told him about her situation with Theo, which had no reason to be argumentative with, it recoiled at every attempt.

The brunette knelt on the floor of her old bedroom in Scott's house. Empty cardboard boxes of random junk inside scattered across the floor, a naked mattress sat on a bed frame and other things that weren't being used around the house were spread around the room. The bedroom that once housed a tween with band posters on the walls and faux plants now was used as a storage room.

Selina sorted out a pile of old clothes that sat in front of her by either throwing them into a trash bag or folding them into a cardboard box sitting by the dresser. She cringed at many childhood memories- of which there were many- from the way she looked or the thought of the moment the picture was taken.

The Hale got off her knees, letting out a grunt, she stood up and headed for the stairs down to the living room. She let her ponytail free while trotting to the living room where the rest of her pack waited for her, many photocopied versions of the Dread Doctors book laying on Scott's glass coffee table.

"So none of us go running into traffic,"Kira said.

The sound of Selina's boots grabbed the group's attention, their heads turning to her as she entered the room.

"Where've you been?"Stiles was the first to ask, watching as the youngest took her place next to Theo. "You were meant to be down here 10 minutes ago"

"I was packing more of my stuff in the boxes, you intolerant fuck"Selina hissed, giving an angry glare to the impatient Stilinski standing ahead of her. "Where's Liam?"

"He said he's not coming,"Scott said.

"That's not a first"

"Well, what happened to Malia could be worse,"Stiles shrugged.

AFTERGLOW , THEO RAEKEN  ( 2 )Where stories live. Discover now