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until there wasnt.
the floor of hell burnt right through my heels. a horned serpent screamed that i had no soul, i had no virtue, i had no grace. none would provide me sympathy or mercy like those on earth. no, this was not a place of earthly beauty or sweetness. i was sweating, surrounded by hellfire. the cavern walls were the color of blood. i had no memory of comfort or kindness.
there were beasts in every corner, hanging from the ceiling, crawling on the floor. awfully humanized spiders, serpents, pigs, and incomparable creatures. ones with thick dark skin, sharp teeth, patches of hair and evil, twisted faces. i screamed and screamed and the more i screamed, the more they screamed. i was frightened, they were delighted.

the fires began to dim and flicker as if they would soon smolder. the beasts' screams of delight turned to fear and anguish. they ran in circles and most scurried away. the floor beneath us trembled and broke apart, revealing a deep black void beneath the rock. my head swiveled from left to right as I jumped and scattered, trying to stay grounded. a little creature clung to my leg with sharp claws. it was hairy and many-eyed, like if a spider was more like a tiny monkey. I tried to shake it off, because it was hurting me, and together, we tumbled into nothing.

I didn't see anything, feel anything, hear anything. there was no time or space.

suddenly, I could see a deep blue sky, which is much more comprehensible after being exposed to such a void. tall trees and their branches trembled with the gentle wind that I could feel on my face. I could feel everything. the sand beneath me, the creature pounding on my chest, the shivering cold bones hidden in my body. my mouth tasted like dirty, mucky water. when my head turned, lots of this nasty water was projected from my throat as I violently coughed and gagged.

it was a horrible moment, but much more bearable than whatever fiery hole I was trapped in. I was seized in a static grip of nausea and breathlessness. my mind was whirling with the situation at hand, but the world was moving faster. there was a world. that was so relieving.

when the worst of the nausea passed and my eyes could focus for at least three seconds before losing control again, I realized I could kind of hear, but my ears felt so much pressure. some being was beside me, near my face, talking to me and moving around. I wasn't able to think in words or pictures, I could only continue to feel with my senses, which were minimal.

in time, though, abilities began to return gradually. I could almost see that the being here with me was a person with a halo of curly hair. they were lifting me off of the ground and suddenly, we were moving very fast. the breeze around us made me much colder than I was when we were sitting still, and even then, I was freezing. my teeth were chattering in my head and my body shivered so violently, I thought I was in convulsions. but I still had my consciousness, so I suppose I wasn't.

I was gripped tightly against some hard, cool surface covered in fabric. twigs were snapping and leaves were shaking as if I were running through the woods in hyperspeed. when the sensations became too much, I loosened my grip on them and allowed it all to fall away. I closed my eyes and was comforted by all the noise and sensation.

when I opened my eyes again, I was in a lukewarm pool of water in a light pink room. I looked up and saw some familiar pale face. I looked into the water and saw my boney legs. there was nothing attached to them. still, even in this warm water, I felt cold and disoriented. I couldn't collect myself and I had no clear thoughts, just sensations. the familiar face had lips that were speaking words, and all I could do was watch.

"you're okay," he said, cupping some water in his hand and pouring it into my hair. "you'll be okay."

I looked around the room, suddenly realizing where I was. sitting in the Cullen's bathroom, in the bathtub, where Jasper was fully clothed but completely soaked, talking to me from outside of the tub. I remembered the hellish cavern and the empty void and realized that I wasn't there anymore, I was in a real room with a real person and I was still real, myself.

and over again [SEQUEL to over and over] [[Jacob Black x OC]] ..twilight..Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt