Exams and Friends, Both Old and New

Start from the beginning

Quietly while looking at her I whispered "Thguoht gnirahs." 

Suddenly I could hear her thoughts as clear as I could my own. "Dang it. I don't know any of this. I should have studied more. There's no way I'm going to pass this exam!

Hearing this I decided to come in to help her, "Don't react," I mentally said to her. She jumped for a moment and her thoughts were all confused, wondering where the extra voice in her head came from. "It's me Izuku. I'm going to try and help you.

"Really! Thank you!" she thought. She looked at me with an excited and thankful smile. 

"What was the first thing I said?" I responded to her, "We don't need the teachers to see that we're cheating.

"Oh, sorry," She said looking down, embarrassed. 

I gave her help throughout the test and when the time went out we went over her work together and I helped her fix some of her incorrect questions. I made sure she still got a few questions wrong. Enough for her to get a B-. Not the best, but not the worst. When she asked why I didn't just give her all the answers I explained "They have your records. If you suddenly just did a lot better now than you did in all your other tests they'll think you're cheating."

"Oh that makes sense," she said. 

Only ten minutes later the test ended and Ectoplasm came out and started collecting tests. When that was over we had to wait a while for them to call out the names of the students who passed and were going on to the next part of the exam. Luckily both Mina and I passed. We waited in the auditorium as all the students who didn't pass left. 

Mina and I continued talking to each other while we waited for the practical exam to be explained. When Present Mic came out we both quieted down and listened to him explain the exam. Basically, go into one of the test cities and destroy robots. The robots are valued at 1, 2, and 3, points with the difficulty increasing as the point value does. When we got that Mina and I started to quietly whisper to each other. 

Then a blue-haired robot-looking person stood up and chastised Present Mic for not explaining the fourth robot. He then turned to Mina and me and called us out for whispering saying we were distracting other participants. I quickly responded by saying "Sorry but who of the three of us yelled out and interrupted Present Mic?" 

He then looked embarrassed and sat down. Present Mic then began to explain the fourth robot was worth 0 points and was more of an obstacle to be avoided than anything else. Ectoplasm then went around and handed out cards with different letters to us. Mina and I looked at each other's cards and found that they didn't match. We're going to different testing zones. We wished each other luck before going to the buses to take us to our respective zones. 

While on the bus I noticed Izumi and the blue-haired boy were going to the same zone with me. I did my best to avoid Izumi's gaze and somehow I managed it. When we got to the testing site I waited until Izumi was out and already looking at the gates before I left. When we got out I kept an eye on Izumi while I waited for the exam to start. 

The blue-haired boy put his hand on my shoulder and chastised me for attempting to ruin the chances of other students. I was about to say something to defend myself before the gates opened. I wanted to run in and start fighting already before I noticed Izumi was still there. That was until Present Mic told us all to go already. When Izumi ran to the left I immediately ran towards the right. 

I ran and used my non-verbal telekinesis magic to lift robots and smash them to the ground. I made sure to use my hands to manipulate them. While I don't need them for something as basic as lift and smash it's easier for me to control my magic like that. Not to mention that it makes it obvious to the people watching the test who was doing this. 

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