K2 (Mysterion Addition)

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Requested by -stan__marsh-

Kyle remembers back when he was younger and Mysterion made a first appearance. Mysterion was desperate for help and went to Kyle out of all the others in town. Kyle took the extra mile and posed as Mysterion when he turned himself in just so the true identity wasn't out there. Kyle never changed when he got older, he was always there for his friends while at sundown he would be there for his favorite hero that protected his town from evil.

Kyle now at the age of 15 was sitting at his desk working on his homework. He was reading his biology book while taking his own notes. He said we so focused on his book that he didn't even notice his window opening from outside. It wasn't till he felt a cold breeze run up his exposed neck that he looked back. He jumped slightly and placed his hand over his heart. "Shit, you really need to knock or something. One of these times your going to make me scream." Kyle said while noticing a bunch of bruises on his face and a little bit of blood on his knuckles. Kyle was used to this as he opened his drawer and pulled out a first aid kit.

"Well what if I DO wanna hear ya scream?" Mysterion asked in his usually scratchy tone voice.

Kyle wasn't amused as he flicked Mysterion's forehead causing him to mutter "oww" but also laugh, "hey, I'm just teasing!" He said while giving off his Kenny voice.

Kyle shook his head and opened the first aid kit and dabbed his knuckles with an alcohol wipe. Kenny pulled his hand away slightly but soon let Kyle proceed to disinfect the injury. "I know your teasing but.. can you just be serious for ONCE Kenny? Your always coming to me bloodying up my carpet. One of these times maybe don't go too extreme with the whole fighting crime. Maybe take a break and let someone else handle it for awhile."

As Kyle was dabbing the busted knuckles of the hero, Mysterion tilted his head while locking eyes with the red head. "You worry about me, don't you."

It wasn't even a hesitated reaction when Kyle answered, "yes I worry about you Kenny! Your my friend and you're always out there when you should just go home and rest or... SOMETHING!"

"Awww look at you, you're so cute when your overprotective!" He grabbed at Kyle's hand causing Kyle to smack it away.

"Dude I'm serious! One of these times your ACTUALLY going to get yourself killed Kenny! DO YOU WANT TO TAKE THIS A LITTLE MORE SERIOUSLY?!" He snapped while letting go of his injured hand. The two kind of look at eachother. Mysterion held his comment to himself and held his hand back out and looked away ashamed, "yeah, I'll take this more seriously... I'm sorry." He muttered.

Kyle grabbed hand hand and placed a few bandages and wrapped some gauzes around the band-aids and looked up at Mysterion. "I'm sorry Kenny it's just, I can't imagine my life without my second best friend... You know... You always been there for me and..... Well.... Without you I... I don't even want to think about it." He looked away while sniveling and rubbing his eyes. "So please just.... Be more careful and.... Maybe take this whole hero thing more serious? We need you Ken.... I need you." He teared up causing Kenny to practically throw himself at the red head and hugged him tightly. He closed his eyes while shaking as it was hard to not have anyone remember his deaths but.... Hearing someone say these words for the very first time ever was exactly what he needed to hear.

"Thank you Kyle, I'll try being more careful... Only for you though." He added causing Kyle mutter. "You better!" Followed by Kyle tightening the hug himself. Ever since that day their friendship grew significantly, some might say Kyle might have a new all time best friend. Kenny sure could say Kyle was him from a long shot and one day he would ask him the important question of being his side kick.

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