11) It's All Great

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Beast Boy paced the floor of Titan's Tower. Cyborg was showing Bumble Bee where the turbo booster and all the hidden gadgets where on the T-Car.

Beast Boy looked down at his communicator. Nothing. He was worried about Raven. Red X could've kidnapped her or something.

"Where is she?" he wondered aloud.

"Cool your jets Gar," Cyborg grinned at him. "You're just worried that she ran away with him instead of you."

Beast Boy growled softly. "Take a pill man." Cyborg held up his hands. "I was only joking."

"Pills!" Beast Boy pumped his fist into the air. "I don't have to take those stupid pills anymore."

"That's nice," Cyborg replied aimlessly. Beast Boy rolled his eyes, and continued pacing.

"Where is she," Beast Boy moaned.

"How long has he been like this?" Beast Boy whirled around to see Raven hovering in the door way.

"Ever since we got here," Cyborg replied, rolling his one human eye.

"Raven!" Beast Boy ran towards her and threw his arms around her shoulders.

"Where's Slade?" Raven asked.

"Jail," Cyborg grinned. "He's not going to be breathing fresh air for a long time."

"That must've made Richard happy," Raven mused. Then she looked around. "Where is Richard anyway?"

- Scene Break -

Robin sat beside Starfire in the med-wing. He was holding her hand. Behind his mask, Robin was in agony. He couldn't imagine his life without her.

Cyborg had said that she was stable, but couldn't predict when she would wake up.

"Come on Star," Robin whispered. "My life won't be complete without you in it." He realized now how stupid it was that he had never told her how he felt.

How terrible it had been of him to kiss her in Tokyo and then rebut it. He hated himself for that. He couldn't imagine what he had been so afraid of.

"Time to grow up." He said softly, and he bent down and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you Star." He whispered, stroking her hair.

He got a piece of paper from his belt and scribbled a note on it. Then he placed it in her hand and left the room. He walked purposely back to his own room. He needed to grow up.

Move on from the fears of Robin. He remembered something Starfire had said ages ago about meeting him as Nightwing. He knew that now was the time for Robin to become Nightwing.

He had managed to get a description of the costume from Starfire a few months after that had happened. He shut himself in his room, and began to work.

- Scene Break -

Starfire opened her eyes slowly. She groaned and raised her hand to her head. By doing this, she noticed the paper in her hand. Opening it, she recognized Robin's writing: 

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