8) Expedition to Azarath

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Raven awoke again to find something soft next to her face. She turned to see the tiny orange cat curled up beside her head. She smiled and ruffled his fur. The tiny cat began to purr.

She glanced up at the pull-out and could see why Beast Boy had decided to abandon it. Robin was stretched across the pull-out. "Garfield?" she poked the cat. The orange kitten opened one of his blue eyes, and stretched.

Then he shifted back to his human form. "Richard kept hogging the bed," Beast Boy jerked his thumb at the Boy Wonder. "He's sound asleep..." He grinned. "Which gives me a fabulous idea!" 

He morphed back into the kitten, and before Raven could stop him, bounded over to the Boy Wonder and jumped on his head. Robin let out a yelp and threw Beast Boy across the room.

"Garfield!" Raven exclaimed. She ran over to where the kitten had landed. He mewed pathetically up at her. Gingerly, Raven picked him up and held him close. "Why'd you do that?" She bellowed at Robin.

"He scared me to death!" Robin replied.

"What's going on?" Cyborg groaned.

"Richard just threw Garfield across the room," Raven glared at the Boy Wonder. Cyborg stood and took a look at the orange kitten.

"My sensors say he's fine Raven," Cyborg assured her. "Just got the wind knocked out of him." Raven felt a wave of relief.

Before she could stop herself, Raven pressed her lips to the top of the kitten's head. Realizing what she had just done, she blushed.

Cyborg opened his mouth to say something. "Don't you say a word," Raven growled. Cyborg's eyes widened, and he shut his mouth with a snap.

Beast Boy began to purr softly, and Raven absentmindedly scratched behind his ears. She liked having his little warm body against hers.

"Okay team," Robin spoke. "We have a plane to catch."

"Huh?" Raven raised an eyebrow at him. She had been so caught up in her conversation with Beast Boy that she had not followed anything that had happened before he had met up with them in the motel.

"We have a transfer flight back to Jump City," Robin replied. "Unfortunately there were only five tickets."

"Guess I'm going in with the pets," Beast Boy grimaced. Raven shot him a worried glance.

"Don't worry Raven, I'll be fine." He didn't sound very confident.

"Why doesn't Garfield take my ticket, and I phase back to the Tower?" she suggested. Robin shook his head.

"I really want us to stay together," he replied.

"And is that why you left Garfield behind in the desert?" Raven challenged, her eyes flashing.

"That was an inconvenience," the Boy Wonder didn't seemed phased by her accusation. Raven glared at him.

"If it had been Starfire in the desert you would've waited," she growled.

"Raven, that's enough," Robin replied, although Raven could tell that she'd struck a nerve. She opened her mouth to say something, but Beast Boy beat her to it.

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