6) Tomb of the Pharaoh

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(Image credit to Shock777; this has been posted with their permission)

Raven slowly became conscious. She tried to stretch, and found that she could not move. Something was preventing her movements.

She could feel something warm against her back, and realized that she could feel a heart-beat against her shoulder. She glanced down and saw Beast Boy's arm was wrapped around her waist.

She blushed at the realization of how close they were. His body was pressed right up against hers so that she could now feel it every time he took a breath.

She tried to move again, but Beast Boy held firm. Raven scowled, and considered phasing out of his embrace. She was surprised when she found that she actually didn't want to move.

She couldn't explain it, but she felt safe in his embrace. Her love for him burned, and Raven reflected painfully that Beast Boy probably thought that she was Terra.

Her heart aching, Raven phased out of his grasp, and onto the floor. Without her body there, Beast Boy's arm fell limply down.

He frowned in his sleep, and reached around, as though looking for something. "Raven?" he murmured in his sleep. The telekinetic Titan's eyes widened.

She wondered briefly if she had heard incorrectly. Beast Boy continued searching in his sleep, slowly inching toward the edge of the bed. "Raven?" He repeated.

The telekinetic Titan stood rooted to the ground as Beast Boy's sleeping form got closer to her. It was almost as though he knew she was there.

His hand stretched off of the mattress and his fingertips brushed the fabric of the hoodie covering her stomach. He inched forward and got a better grip on the fabric.

Raven panicked and jerked backwards. The fabric was wrenched from his grasp, and Beast Boy's eyes slowly opened.

He saw Raven standing a few paces away staring at him with wide eyes. "Was I talking in my sleep?" He asked. Fatigue was evident in his voice. Raven nodded.

"You kept saying Terra's name," the lie escaped Raven's lips before she could stop it.

"That's weird, "Beast Boy frowned. "I thought I was dreaming about you."

Realizing what he had just said, Beast Boy's face turned scarlet. "I uh think I'm going to uh go take my medicine." He stuttered. Then he grabbed the bottle, and took off for the bathroom. 

Raven blinked, processing what he had just admitted. She didn't know what to think. She knew what she wanted it to mean, but she didn't want to get her hopes up only to be hurt again. 

"Raven?" She raised her eyes to see Beast Boy standing in front of her, a concerned expression on his face. "What's wrong?"

"I was just thinking about Malchior," Raven replied softly, and lowered her eyes again. Beast Boy made his way over to her, and gently put his left hand on her shoulder, and tipped up her chin with his right.

"Malchior was a major jerk," he said firmly. "He didn't realize what he was missing out on by being a liar." Raven blinked. Then something caught her attention.

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