Chapter 22: "Don't you want this?"

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Finished this chapter early.

Cassie's POV

Despite  my bad dream last night, I woke up in a pretty good mood. I guess it was because I made a decision on what to do with Drew. Was it a good choice? How the hell am I supposed to know? Was it the right choice? Right now it is. Maybe. Did I want to do it? I had to.

The main door opened exposing Chris. Still don't understand why our rooms are suddenly not locked.

"You'll never guess what just happened." He said in an excited tone.

"What?" I played along with his excitement.

"I walked into the kitchen, Drew and Derek were there. Derek offered me food." Chris paused. The sound of Drew's name threw me off a bit. "Like legit food Cass, not that garbage they've been feeding." Chris said dramatically. All we've been eating was cereal for breakfast and frozen cheap meals for lunch and dinner. Totally throwing my diet.

"Don't you think it's kinda weird that our doors never seem to be locked now?" I asked suspiciously.

Chris shrugged his shoulders "No. I mean it makes sense." He said leaning against the wall.

"What does?" I asked for him to explain.

"I mean ever since you found out that they were your neighbors maybe they just pity you and are giving you this as like an apology." He said.

"Hmm. I never really thought about it like that." I said thinking it was a good way for them to try and forgive them, but it wasn't going to happen. They'll have to do a lot more until I can forgive them.

"Well, start." Chris paused. "Things are changing." He added.

"Yeah and I'm not liking it." I pouted.

He laughed before he sat on my bed. "But on a serious note how are you with..." He trailed off.

"You can say his name." I laughed. "No, but I think I know what I'm going to do." I said as I thought my decision over again.

Chris looked at me intently, "So, what are you going to do?" He curiously asked.

I took a deep breath and paused before I answered,"I'm going to end it." I state. Chris' eyes widened and he just completely went into shock in general.

"Are you sure?" He questioned still in shock.

"I thought you would be happy about this." I countered. Chris has always hated Drew.

"I am, it's just you always fight for what you want." He stated. "Don't you want this?" He asked.

"Honestly my feelings for Drew never left, but it's the circumstances that I can't handle. Like lying and betraying me." I choke. "And my parents." I stopped myself.

"I understand you Cass, but." Chris trailed off again.

"What?" I asked.

"You seemed happy with Drew." He replied. "Even if you two weren't officially a couple." He finished.

I was surprised by what Chris said, I didn't expect him to say that or to even think that. The thought of how happy I was with Drew made me smile, but it didn't last when I forced myself to stop.

"That was before I knew the truth." I countered slightly upset with the truth.

Chris half smiled, "when do you plan on telling him?" He asked quietly.

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