Chapter 12: "I shouldn't have kissed you."

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Finally into my writing zone which is why it's early for this update. 

Thanks to _Aqua_Marine for helping me edit the last chapter! Love ya! 


Cassie's POV

I hate being here. I hate it. I hate it. Not being able to do as I please, not being able to get some fresh air.

Ever since we've been here I couldn't even sleep well because I'm restricted from any movement since my hands are tied and frankly whenever I close my eyes I keep having the same dream with Cody.

The door slowly cracked open when Drew peeked his head in. He didn't say anything, but came straight in to untie my hands.

I watched as he didn't even try to look at me. "Are you  even going to tell me what happened?" I said.

"Even if I did, you wouldn't believe me." He said casually not even caring about anything, yet acted frustrated.

He looked kinda cute when he was frustrated.

Wait. What!

"I don't know what to believe." I stated. "I wasn't there." His head snapped towards mine until our faces were only inches apart.

His eyes locked onto mine for a few seconds before he said, "exactly."

Why is he so hard to talk to.

When he finished untying my hands he avoided eyesight with me and headed out the room. "So why can't you tell me what happened?" I desperately asked hoping he'd answer.

He turned around and his expression looked cold. "I didn't do it." He admitted.

I wanted to believe him, but how could I? Chris would never lie to me.

Would he?


Drew's POV

I’m the first to admit that I’m reckless
I get lost in your beauty and I can’t see two feet in front of me
And I know in my heart, you’re just a moving part

I couldn't stop myself from always having Cassie on my mind. I'm starting to sing songs about her. I hate this feeling.

I checked the time and saw it was already 12:30. (I had to check and untie Chris.) I sighed because it was the last thing I wanted to do. I left my room and headed towards Chris' room. I opened the door and he smirked at me.

I sighed out of frustration and walked towards him. "Hello." He smirked.

I ignored him.

"Aren't you going to at least say hi?" He said. This kid will be the death of me.

"Why so you can tell your girlfriend I threatened you?" I retorted.

"I actually wasn't thinking that." He smirked. "You have some good ideas." He patted my shoulder.

I ducked his hand and threw a death stare. "What the hell is your problem? Why the hell did you lie to her?"

He glared at me, "I'll lie to her if I want to because at the end of the day it's me she'll believe." His words made my blood boil. At this point I wanted to punch him.

"I wouldn't keep thinking that if I were you." Both our heads quickly snapped to the person who said that.

"C-Cassie." Chris stuttered getting up and rushing towards her. "I can explain."

This should be good.

"Let's see you try." She crossed her arms in front of her chest with her tone angry but still calm.

"I was trying to protect you." He stated. "I was trying to keep you away from him." He added nervously grabbing her shoulders.

I knew it.

"I don't need you to protect me." Cassie pushed his arms away while her voice was angered. "You can't tell me who I can or can't talk to." She clarified.

"Cass." Chris tried to calm her down. "I just don't want you to get hurt." He said. "All he'll do is hurt you." He concluded.

Hurt her? Who said anything about hurting her?

"If anyone's hurting me right now it's you Chris." Cassie began to shed a tear. "You lied to me." Cassie's voice softened.

"Cass. C'mon I'm sorry." Chris tried to touch her, but she dodged him.

"Can I talk to you?" Cassie walked to me. I nodded and she led me past the bathroom to her room making sure to close both doors. "I'm sorry." She turned to face me with both her crying eyes looking up at me. "I should've believed you." More tears fell on to her cheek .

"Hey." I placed my hand on her cheek and wiped her tear away with my thumb. "You didn't know." I said softly.

"You're right I didn't, but I gave Chris the benefit of the doubt." She said softly.
"I knew I can trust you." She looked up at me with one of her sweet smiles that I couldn't help but smile as well.

"There's not a bone in my body that could make me hurt you, Chris, or anyone."
I warned. Her eyes were drying up and she looked into my eyes deeply and intense. The next thing I did was something that I couldn't help.

I kissed her.

I lowered my head to her and placed my lips on to hers. I pulled back after and looked for permission. She looked into my eyes wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to her. I wrapped one of my arms around her body and the other laid on her neck. She filled the gap between us. She started to move back and turned around while I followed and her back hit a wall. To steady myself I grabbed her hands and pressed it against the wall.

Our mouths disconnected while we gasped for air, my kisses traveled from her lips to her forehead where I kissed her gently and then traveled back to her lips and down to her jawline and neck. She let out a small moan which faded away when she pushed me away.

I wiped my mouth, "I'm sorry." I apologized.

"No I'm sorry." She protested. "I shouldn't have." She said running a hand through her hair.

"I pushed it too far." I countered. "I shouldn't have kissed you." I said.

"It's okay. I continued it." She stated.

"I should get going." I said. "Derek might be home soon." I figured since it was almost 2.

"Alright. I'll see you later." She smiled waving goodbye.

I went to my room and laid on my bed thinking what just happened. My first kiss and it was intense.

I don't know if this is what it's called or how I felt. But, I think I loved her.


Whoa! What just happened? Comment below your thoughts. Moving too fast? Can she trust him? Can you he trust her? 

Sorry for the short chapter, but at least it's two updates in one week!

Story finally reached 500 reads and I can't thank you guys enough!! P.S. I love to dedicate chapters to people so make sure you comment and vote! :)

The song Drew was singing was Fool's Gold by One Direction. Song is on the side.>>

Gif of Cassie's expression when she found out Chris lied on the side.>>

Comment. Vote. Share.Thanks. Love y'all.

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