Chapter 18: "A girl you pitied?"

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Here's another chapter for you guys!!



Cassie's POV

I hated Drew. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him! How can he do this to me? After everything that's happened? Really?!

I wanted real answers. What Derek said weren't real answers, they were just excuses. When I heard the door knob turn, my head turned towards the opening door revealing it to be not who I was expecting.

For the first time, I was actually expecting to see Derek. Crazy right?

Drew peeked his head through before entering. He didn't say anything and I didn't know if he was expecting me to say something first or if he's just waiting for me to give him my undivided attention.

I glanced at him before rolling my eyes turning my back against him. He could probably tell I wasn't planning on speaking to him anytime soon. But why wasn't he saying anything?

"It's not fair you know." He finally said after complete silence.

"What?" I questioned quietly not giving him my full attention.

I heard him walk closer. "Why are you the one that's mad?" He paused. Really?"I think if anyone should be annoyed here, it should be me!" He stated.

Not agreeing to his statement, I finally faced him. "Why's that?" I asked throwing sass and death stares to match it.

Why should he mad? After leading me on and making me think he felt something. He was the one who kissed me first that day. The kiss I still couldn't forget. He was the one who teased me first when we were painting.

"Derek told me you were leading me on, thinking you liked me. When really you had no interest in me. At all." He emphasized.

"Whoa. Whoa." I held my hands up stopping him before he continued to make me sound like someone I wasn't. "I did not say that." I concluded making sure he heard me loud and clear.

He looked at me with a confused look before shaking it off and said, "Derek said you never wanted to speak to me again." He defended.

I gave him the 'duh' expression. "Yeah because you told Derek that you thought you were leading me on and that you were only doing that because you pitied me." I explained.

He continued to just stare at me thinking about something before his whole face looked confused once again.

Stop playing with me.

"Why would I say that? W-" Before he could finish, I accidentally cut him off because I thought he was done.

"You tell me." I retorted.

If he ever gets to his point faster, he'd be done.

"Why would I say that about a girl I-" He stopped catching himself before he could say anything else.

"What?" I questioned. "A girl, you pitied?" I assumed.

He closed his eyes, sighed and muttered something to himself. "A girl." He paused. Am I going to like what he was going to say? "I'm head over heels for." He admitted shyly and with slight embarrassment.

I continued to let his words fully soak in for a bit longer to make sure what I heard was right, "what?" I said in surprise, with widened eyes, and my mouth fell open.

"Cass, I like you." He admitted in embarrassment.

Am I hearing this right?

I knew it!

I liked Drew also, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to tell him. If I didn't tell him, then he would think everything Derek told him about me was true. Which wasn't. After everything I've been through in my 'love life', I wasn't sure if I wanted to throw my heart out there once again, especially with the risk of it breaking right before my eyes. Life is about taking risks and maybe this was one risk I think I shouldn't take. Right?

Drew just watched as I pulled myself together with how I was reacting and waited for me to respond. And I didn't know how to.

I sighed and took a deep breath, "I like you too, Drew." I decided to just admit it because what's a life without a little risk? If I do get hurt, so be it. If I don't, then who knows where this could lead to.

Drew moved towards and sat on my bed. "You do?" He asked sounding like he was teasing me about it. It reminded me of two little kids teasing each other about crushes and cooties.

I decided to ignore him, "Why would Derek lie to us?" I asked crossing my arms against my chest trying to figure it out and I couldn't.

"He must have said those things, so we would hate each other. To keep us away from one another." He figured. I knew Derek was a jerk, but to do something like this was going to far. Drew watched as I filled with anger, I watched as a smirk grew on his face. "But now that we know the truth," he paused placing his hands on my waist and pulling me closer to him. I tried so hard not to laugh. "Nothing is stopping me from doing this." He smirked before pulling me down so he could kiss me.

I was currently bent down kissing Drew for the third time. The kiss was intense, neither of us, wanted to break, neither stopped for air. He stood up carrying me to the point where my legs wrapped around him and he held my thighs to keep me up, my arms wrapped around his neck, my fingers digging through his hair I was currently messing up. He put me down on the bed, back on mattress, Drew on top of me. His kisses were rough, but not too rough where it started to hurt. My legs were still wrapped around his slim waist, our pelvises lying on top. If he wasn't the first to pull away, I probably wouldn't.

"Did you hear that?" I asked looking at the door watching as he gasps for air.

"It's nothing." He ignored kissing me again.I couldn't help but worry because anything can happen.

His kisses were mesmerizing I couldn't even focus on it anymore. My hands moved down on his waist, his end of his shirt. His hand rested on top of mine and the other on my neck. By the time he pulled his shirt off, my hands grazed his stomach. I felt the crevices of his abs, they were nicely firm and muscular. He slowly moved his mouth towards my neck, I let out a small moan and he quickly caught it by kissing me back on the lips.

"What in the hell-"

When we heard the door open, Drew got off of me and sat next to me instead.

It was Derek. Again.

"Drew, get your shirt." Derek ordered.

Derek moved closer to me, "listen, you need to stay away from him." Derek stated. Yeah. Yeah.

"Derek." Drew said in an angry voice trying to pull him away.

"Just remember, I'm not afraid to hurt you." Derek threatened before shaking Drew off and storming out of the room with a shirtless Drew on his tail.


Clearly it really wasn't nothing.


I hope you guys really enjoyed this chapter. The story is getting to it's climax and no where close to done.


Looking forward to writing the next chapter. I hope you guys get pumped from that sneak peek.^^

Gif of Drew and Cassie kissing on the side. Well at the top, with the new design. >>^^

Comment. Vote. Share. Thanks. Love y'all.

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