"So I have to deal with a rebellious kid until then? No, you batted your eyes at her, she's your responsibility." I said.

"It'll be fun, we can talk and freak each other out." she said sweetly. Wait, how does someone say that in a sweet voice? 

"If you get screwed over, I won't vouch for you." I said in monotone.  


Roy saw the frustration on my face and followed me to the other side of the room, looking a bit freaked out. 

"Does she always act like this?" 

"You mean high and immature? No, usually she's focused and fun, but the bite's screwing with her." 

I looked at his face and instantly felt my face heat up. He was well, good looking. He had a tan, clear complexion, long dark hair that fell past his shoulders, and golden brown eyes, maybe amber? I caught myself and looked away. 

"So, you two go to school?" I asked, trying to change the subject. 

"No, most of us don't bother with it. The one's who want to go can, but it's just a waste of time to most, seeing as some like to kill and take what's in their wallets." he said, looking up. "And then there's the decent kind like Alec. Out for a joke, don't believe in killing another human when transformed, but tries to have fun along the way." 

"You two seem to be opposite." 

"So do you and Cherryface."

"Opposites attract."

There was a THUD! as Allie fell out of her chair and started laughing loudly, throwing her head back. I felt a pang of pity for Alec, she was a hard to handle for everyone, but he would learn. 

"Friends?" he asked.

"Friends," I agreed.

How the hell were we supposed to keep up with all this? And how would we lie to my mother about it? 

"So, how long did it take for you to adjust?" I asked. 

"Few weeks, though that was when this place wasn't full of morons. Just stick to the group we have in here and it should be ok. Most don't mess with me or Alec," 

"Can't imagine why," I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that," he said.

"Gee, you look like you want to murder someone. It's hard to want to mess with you," I said, instanly regretting it. "looks like they're having fun," 

He turned to look at Allie and Alec messing around while I looked away and let out a sigh. He was scary, and yet for some reason I still wanted to cut off that one part of his hair. What's the matter with me? 

"We'll see. Usually he says something to make someone mad." 

"So does she." 

"Five bucks they don't kill each other?" 

"Your on," he agreed. 

Betting on my best friend's ability to screw something up. Not mean, just good fun. I sat there, head in hands and looking over at them, feeling awkward next to Roy. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to figure out how we would deal with this. If we crept out late, she would ask questions, and it was something we had to hide or the consequences wouldn't be good, maybe something that would cost us. 

"Roy?" I asked without thinking. "How do they all keep it a secret from their parents?" 

"Well, some of us don't have parents, and some consider the Father as a parental figure." he said. 

"What happens if you tell?" 

He looked at me, eyes unsure. "You tell, you get slated for death." 

I felt blood drain from my face, and then tried not to freak out. It's only natural, but death? 

"Who was the first to break it?" 

"Don't know, but the rumour is it was created by Father to protect us, and the first who broke it was killed, and so was everyone he told. They were killed by Father, and that's all there is." he explained quietly. "We don't talk about it, it's to depressing." 

"OK," I whispered faintly. If we tell we die. I started to worry, but then stopped. If a mindless, zombie Sue like Bella Swan could keep these things a secret, so could Allie and I. Just act like it doesn't happen, like it doesn't exist.

If only I could believe it.


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