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THE NEXT MORNING, Chiron moved Percy to cabin three.

He was all alone and he looked absolutely miserable. It seemed just as people were starting to accept him they all avoided him like the plague.

Nobody mentioned the hellhound, but Atalanta knew they were all talking about it behind her and Percy's back. The attack had scared everybody.

It sent two messages: one, that Percy was the son of the Sea God; and two, monsters would stop at nothing to kill him. They could even invade a camp that had always been considered safe.

The other campers steered clear of Percy as much as possible, and had even taking to avoiding Atalanta on multiple occasions.

Cabin eleven was too nervous to have sword class with him so they only consisted of Atalanta, Luke and Percy.

Atalanta and Luke pushed Percy harder than ever, and they weren't afraid to bruise him up in the process.

"You're going to need all the training you can get," she promised, as they were working with swords and flaming torches. "Now let's try that viper-beheading strike again. Fifty more repetitions."

Annabeth still taught Percy Greek in the mornings, but she seemed distracted. She was distancing herself from Atalanta too and it was definitely not helping their already strained relationship.

This behavior towards Percy and the stunt that she pulled during capture the flag, it was safe to say Annabeth Chase was not in the daughter of Hecates good books right now .

Ignoring all of the Hellhound drama, Atalanta tried to help Percy as much as she could. He was in for a rough ride since he was claimed as a son of the big three, and the golden eyed daughter of Hecate was going to do her best to help him.

Something especially annoying to Atalanta was that, after lessons, Annabeth would walk away muttering to herself: "Quest ... Poseidon? ... Dirty rotten ... Got to make a plan ..."

Even Clarisse kept her distance, though her venomous looks made it clear she wanted to kill Percy for breaking her magic spear.

Apparently some camper left a newspaper in Percy's cabin and Atalanta could feel her anger building up more and more.


Sally Jackson and son Percy are still missing one week after their mysterious disappearance. The family's badly burned '78 Camaro was discovered last Saturday on a north Long Island road with the roof ripped off and the front axle broken. The car had flipped and skidded for several hundred feet before exploding.

Mother and son had gone for a weekend vacation to Montauk, but left hastily, under mysterious circum-stances. Small traces of blood were found in the car and near the scene of the wreck, but there were no other signs of the missing Jacksons. Residents in the rural area reported seeing nothing unusual around the time of the accident.

Ms. Jackson's husband, Gabe Ugliano, claims that his stepson, Percy Jackson, is a troubled child who has been kicked out of numerous boarding schools and has expressed violent tendencies in the past.

Police would not say whether son Percy is a suspect in his mother's disappearance, but they have not ruled out foul play. Below are recent pictures of Sally Jackson and Percy. Police urge anyone with informa-tion to call the following toll-free crime-stoppers hotline.

The phone number was circled in black marker. Atalanta was absolutely fuming and this wasn't even about her. She didn't understand how Chiron was just allowing this bullying to happen and act like nothing was wrong.

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