'I am fine, nothing serious, I promise,' I tried to convince him, but he looked at me like he could see through me and knew I was bluffing.

'Even then, I care because you're the one I love, now get over here.' He expressed like it was the only truth that mattered.

'You're the one I love too, you know' I couldn't help but smile. He made my sadness and worries disappear into thin air once again. He was a fixer by nature. He was so tied up with fixing other people's lives that he didn't care about his. I wanted to be a fixer in his life, and I never wanted to do that for anyone until he came into life. Despite my life's complexities and insecurities, a part of me belonged to him now.

'Come here' He gazed into my eyes, and even though we were far from each other, I felt like he was near. I ended the call and hurried to get ready to go see him. Ma was a bit tired because we went shopping for the house a while back, so I didn't disturb her and left. I told her before I would be going out for a while.

Today was our date, and I was going to make it memorable. I got into the ride that Shahzaib sent for me, and on my way, I picked up a few things for Shahzaib that he would like as a housewarming present and some things he might need. By the time I arrived at his place, the displeasing emotions I was feeling after seeing that USB got replaced with anticipation of seeing him. I put Kajal on my eyes because he liked it and wore my wedding ring. It made me feel like I was his. I thought being in marriage would mean he would own my will because that's the impression I got from people and society around me, but Shahzaib was different. He was willing to change and accept and was better than most men I had seen in my life. He may not be the perfect man, but he had the values that mattered to me.

I rang the bell and heard the footsteps on the other side.

'Who is it?' I heard him ask in a playful tone.

'Your one and only,' I joked.

'Goog girl' He opened the door and met me with the biggest smile like he was so excited to see me. He quickly pulled me inside and hugged me, and took a deep breath.

'Stop being so dramatic' I tried to break the hold, but he squeezed me tighter and kissed me below my ear. I shoved him away. Just then, I heard someone talking from the living room, he had guests over.

'There are people here,' I claimed.

'So?' He said like he had no idea what I was talking about. I glared at him, but he only made an innocent face.

'Come, I had some people I'd like you to meet; they will be working with us on our film' He took my hand and walked me inside.

'Hey everyone, I'd like you to meet Seher, our lead artist' He introduced me proudly, and I beamed with joy as I scanned the room and greeted everyone until I saw him. The guy who was responsible for my nightmares. He was here. The guy who made my film in my studio was Qazi. I froze, and I almost dropped until Shahzaib caught my waist and held me with worry.

'Please leave,' He told the crew, and all started leaving until Qazi reached us to walk past us. I thought he would leave without saying until, but I was wrong. He suddenly stopped and directed his eyes at me.

'Nice meeting you, Seher, take care' His eyes scanned my entire body, and I noticed Shahzaib's body language getting defensive as he looked between Qazi and me. I never thought I would see him again, I tried to forget his name and everything, and then the day I found the USB, he found me.

Shahzaib was about to say something to Qazi, but I clenched my hands tightly, and I felt my heart was racing faster than light, and it would burst like a volcano.

'Leave,' Shahzaid stiffly said to Qazi, and he left without saying anything further.

'I need to sit,' I said to Shahzaib when I noticed him not moving. He was trying to process what had happened.

'Yeah, sorry...here' He helped me sit on the bright yellow sofa. I touched the sofa and closed my eyes to calm my breathing, and felt Shahzaib's hands caressing my back gently, trying to soothe me. I rested my head on his chest, and he continued to take deep breaths.

'Sorry' I tried to sit back once my breathing relaxed slightly, but he pulled me back against him.

'Shhh, stay here' He comforted me again and held me like a baby in his arms. What I was feeling at this moment wasn't just one emotion. It was hundreds of emotions wrapped in a dark veil. It felt like my dignity was placed on a show once again. The chapter I had closed and was a secret was on the edge of becoming displayed in front of a man I cared about, and I was scared.


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