Chapter 13

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“You alright love?”

“Yeah Louis, Im fine.”

I sat down on the couch in between Harry and Zayn. I hadnt really talk to Harry since the incident.

“Im sorry for what happened Lilly I was so stupid and it wont happen again.”

“Its alright Harry.”

“No its not I shouldnt of did that to you. I am so sorry.”

“Its in the past lets just have a good time.”

Harry then hugged me and kissed my cheek.

“Happy Birthday love.”


Niall came in the room and motioned Harry to move over. Harry did and I gave Niall a weird look . He just shrugged it off.

“Ok well we all got you something, so who is going first.”

“I will!” Yelled Louis.

Louis then placed in front of me a giant box. It was wrapped in blue wrapping paper. I opened it and inside was 3 pairs of Toms: a blue pair ,red pair,and white pair. Also inside was a beanie and a Pierce The Veil shirt.

“Thank you Louis.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, I love it.”

“Who’s next?” Niall asked.

“I ll be next.” Said Zayn.

Zayn handed me a small box wrapped in gold wrapping paper. I opened it and inside was a key.

“Zayn, what is this?”

“It’s a car key.”

“You bought me a car!”

“Yeah its outside.”

I walked outside and there in front of me was a black Range Rover. I started laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” Zayn asked.

“Because me and Niall now have matching cars.”

“Do you not like it?”

“No, I love it.”


We walked back in and Liam handed me his gift. It wasn't wrapped.

“Sorry I ran out of time to wrap it.”

“So is this a last minute gift?”

“No I was busy getting stuff sat up for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You will see later.”

Liam got me a purse and 2 tickets to see ed sheeran. I started jumping around and screaming.

“Thank you so so much.”

“Your welcome.”

Harry was next. He handed me a bag full of tissue paper. I pulled out the paper and inside the bag was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. I hugged him and told him thanks.

“Anything for you love.”

I blushed and sat back on the couch. Niall gave him a look and he stopped smiling. WHy is Niall getting jealous, he is just being a friend.

Last was Niall’s gift. He handed me a small box and I opened it. Inside the box was the most beautiful and unique necklace ever. It was a four leaf clover that was silver and had diamonds. I hugged Niall and he put it on me.

“The clover stands for me and the diamonds stand for you.”

I kissed him and thanked everyone.

Niall then took my hand and he took me outside. It was a little cold outside but not cold enough to wear a coat. Niall grabbed my hand and we walked to is car. I was trying so hard not to get sick. I took 2 pills, so I should be fine for awhile. Niall opened the door and I slid into the seat. He shut my door and ran inside. A couple seconds later the boys came out followed by Niall. He locked the door and walked to the car. He got in the car and started the engine.

“Lilly do you think you will be able to handle going out for a  bit?”

“Yeah, I think I can.” I slightly smiled.

I wish I didn't get like this. It really sucks especially that its my birthday. I turned on the radio and started laughing when “What Makes You Beautiful” came on.  Me and Niall busted out the lyrics. After the song ended NIall just stared at me.


“You can sing.”

“Am I not supposed to be able to sing?”

“No, I just didn't know you could.”

“Well now you do.”

He began laughing and I smiled and started looking out the window.

“Niall where are we going?”

“Its a surprise.”

“I hate surprises.”

“Well you're gonna love this one.”

“How do you know?”

“Well I hope you do.”

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