Chapter 6

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Lilly’s POV

Niall left the room. He made me feel happy. He was slowly mending my broken heart. I decided to get ready. Niall is taking me shopping today. I’m excited, but I don’t want to buy a lot. Niall doesn't need to buy me stuff. I guess I will have to get a job and pay him back. I straightened my hair. I hate my hair it’s just brown. I want to dye it bright red , but I’m too scared to. I put on my black skinny jeans and my All Time Low shirt with my letterman jacket.

    When  I was done getting dressed I did my makeup. Niall walked up, and damn he looked good. He had his hair quiffed and he had on a band shirt and skinny jeans and a snapback.

“Are you ready love.”


“May I say, you look beautiful.”

I began blushing. He always does this to me. He gives me butterflies.


He opened the door for me and we walked to his car. He ran to my side of the car and opened the door for me, I thanked him, he shut the door and ran to his side. Then he began driving.

“Niall, where are we going?”

“We are going to the mall.”


I was worried. It’s a weekend, so many of the preps at my school will be there.

“Lilly are you ok?”

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

“You seem worried.”

“It’s just that there will be a lot of people that don’t like me at the mall.”

“Don’t worry, I will protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you.”


I began looking out the window. Niall grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked at him. We held hands the whole way. When we got to the mall, Niall got out of the car and ran over and opened my door. I got out and Niall grabbed my hand. We held hands going into the mall. I was so nervous.

“Lilly I know you have a dance coming up and I was wondering if I could be your date.”

“Yes, but I don’t normally go. I dont have a dress though.”

“I will buy you one.”

“Niall you are already buying my wardrobe.”

“Exactly, I can buy you a dress too.”


Niall took my hand and we went into the mall. Niall wanted to get the dress first, so we went to the dress shop I tried on so many dresses, but I finally found the one.

Niall thought it was beautiful and it fit me perfectly. We walked out of the dress shop and went clothes shopping we were at the mall for 3 hours. We were going into the last shop which was Hot Topic and one of the girls walked up to Niall. She acted like I wasn't there and she was one of the girls that made fun of me for liking One Direction. She asked him for a pic and he took one, but before she snapped the pic he pulled me in. The girl didn't realize that I was in her picture and then she asked if Niall would kiss her. I was getting so mad. Like seriously I’m right here.

“Im sorry, but I have a girlfriend.”


“Yeah she is right here.”

“Lilly is your girlfriend?”


“But she is ugly and fat. Why?”

This is Me - Niall Horan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now