Chapter 11

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NIalls POV

I felt so bad that Lilly got called all those names. She is beyond perfect. When she started crying that's when I got pissed. Nobody should be treated that way. We were on our way home and a car pulled out in front of us. I swerved and drove into a ditch. The car stopped and I looked to make sure Lilly was ok. Her nose was bleeding but that was it.

“Babe are you ok?”


I began driving again. We finally got home and Lilly rushed into the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and saw her puking. I pulled her hair out of her face and rubbed her back. She just kept puking. I felt so bad, when she was done puking, she started dry heaving. Nothing was coming out. She finally stopped and she leaned back and sat there. She wiped her mouth and she was breathing heavy. I pulled her into my arms and told her everything was gonna be ok. Hopefully she was just shaken up by the car accident and not getting sick because her birthday is tomorrow and I wanted to do something special for her. I have some presents but I want to take her out. I lifted her up and brought her to the couch and laid her there. I grabbed a wet washcloth and started cleaning up her bloody nose.

“Babe i'll be right back. I'm gonna step outside for a bit.”


I walked outside and started calling the boys. This is gonna be the best birthday she has ever had. I walked back inside and I didn't see Lilly on the couch. I heard heaving and immediately went to the bathroom. She was bending over the toilet puking again. I pulled her hair back and I knew that she was sick. After she was done I put her in my bed.

“Babe get some sleep.”

“Niall will you lay with me?”

“Sure love.”

I got in bed with her and kissed her forehead.

“Goodnight babe.”

I woke up and immediately called the boys.

“Hey change of plans.”

“What do you mean.” Harry said.

“Lilly is sick.”

“So what are we gonna do?”

“Just show up to the house with your gifts at 11:00.”

“Ok.” “Wait do you want us to bring some food?”


“Ok, see you later.”


I walked to the kitchen and looked in the fridge.

“Nothing, damn it. I have to go shopping.”

I walked back to the room to get dressed. Lilly wasn't in bed. I walked to the bathroom and there she was puking again.

“LIlly i'll be back soon I have to go get groceries.”


“Do you think you can handle being by yourself or do you want me to call one of the boys?”

“No, I’m fine babe.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes babe.”

“Ok, i’ll be back soon.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too babe.”

I walked into the room grabbed a shirt and put it on grabbed my vans and coat and walked out the door.

This is Me - Niall Horan FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang