Chapter 8

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LIlly’s POV

He ran to my room and was about to grab my prom dress. I yelled at him to put it back.

“Harry, please put it back.”


“Because it is my prom dress.”

“Oh, are you going with Niall?”

“Yeah, so please put it back.”

“Oh, ok. Sorry.”

He then grabbed my black dress I wore to the club with the lads. He looked kinda bummed. He then walked out of the room. Why was he upset?  I walked out after him, but I stopped him in the hall.

“Harry what's wrong?”


“You're lying.”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Yes I do.”

“Fine, I like you a lot and I wanted to ask you out to prom, but Niall got to you first.”

“Harry, I’m sorry.”'

Harry then pushed me against the wall and he leaned in for a kiss. I didn't know what to do. His lips then crashed into mine. I wanted to pull away, but it felt so right. I got butterflies. I finally pulled away and Harry just stood there pinning me against the wall. Niall then walked up to us.

“Harry, what the fuck?!”

Niall then grabbed Harry off me and punched him.

“Why would you do this to me again?”

“Niall, I’m sorry.”

“Get out!”

Harry then dropped the dress and walked out. I felt bad, this was my fault. All the lads were there watching. I started crying. Niall walked up to me and hugged me.

“It’s alright babe I took care of it.”

“Niall its my fault.”

He let go of me and stepped back.

“What do you mean. Did you sleep with him?”

“No, I would never do that Niall!”

I saw the guys leave the room.

“Then what did you do that made Harry’s horny ass be all over my girlfriend?”

“I didn’t do anything he just kissed me and I didn't stop him. I wanted to, but couldn't.”

Niall turned around and started walking away.


“What! Do you expect me to stay?, You kissed my best friend!”

“Niall, I’m sorry.”

He just kept walking. I then fell to the floor crying. Why do I do this? Why? I heard the door shut and I just sat there. I was alone again. I hurt Niall once again. I am so dumb. I then got the thought. I walked to Niall’s room. I knew exactly where he hid all my razors. I went into his dresser and moved his boxers. I grabbed the razors and put back his boxers so that you couldn't tell I went there. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door. I deserve this. I began cutting. I couldnt stop. This will be the last time I hurt him again. I was ready to die. This is it. I cut myself so deeply that I was screaming. It was the most pain I've ever been in. Blood was everywhere. I was crying so much that I couldn't see. I fell to the ground. This is it. No more hurting Niall. No more heartache. I am ready.

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