Chapter Seven

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I showed him. I don't get how an angel could be such an asshole, but it's whatever he's getting his karma by sitting there without being fully healed. Hopefully, I don't run into Lucifer. He'll have my head for avoiding my punishment.

"Ah, Raven, I'm glad I ran into you. I wanted to discuss our little angel friend."

I tensed up at the sound of his voice behind me. Of course he's going to show up right as I hope he doesn't. I slowly turn around to see him walking over to me.

"Hello My Lord. Are you talking about Gabriel? What about him?" Just play it cool, he is being strangely calm about me being up here, which is quite concerning knowing him. He isn't known for being merciful especially when it comes to punishments.

"Gabriel, you say?"

"Yes, he told me his name while I was patching him up."

"I see... Why are you back up here? You should be down there watching him."

"What? Why? He's in a locked cage down on the bottom level of hell, there's no way he's going to make it out of there without help."

He raised an eyebrow at my protest, causing me to shrink down slightly. "Are you trying to start a fight with me Raven? We both know you won't win so I suggest you get back down there before I double your punishment."

I grumbled a few curses but went back to the dungeon doors and went back down. When I was about half way down, I took my next step only to slip in a puddle of some mysterious liquid and start falling down the stairs. It felt like an eternity as I continued to tumble down the stairs, hearing a couple of my bones crack.

When I finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, I laid on the cold cement floor as I tried to pull myself together. How in the hell did I just fall all the way down those stairs and live? I think my life just flashed before my eyes. Although I'm not even alive.

I moved my limbs slightly only to feel a painful ache in my bones. I slowly started sitting up, trying to make sure my head doesn't spin and my vision isn't clouded with stars.

When I eventually got to my feet, I started my limpy walk down the hallway. The only thing I could hear were the quiet shuffling of my walking and the random drops of water that leaked down from the ceiling. At the end of the hall a dim light came into view and soon Gabriel. He was laying on the old cot in the cell, legs dangling off the edge since he was too tall for it.

He sat up from the cot when he noticed me, and a smug smile formed on his face. "Back so soon? I didn't realize you missed me so much."

"Oh shut up angel, no one asked you to talk. I'm only here because I'm supposed to be babysitting you."

"Babysitting?" He questioned, trying to hold back a laugh. "Do you really think I'm that young? I'm flattered that you think so."

"No Lucifer wants me to babysit you because you're so elderly. I mean come on, look at all those wrinkles." I replied, pointing at his face.

"What?! I have wrinkles?!" He started to rub all over his, feeling for the non-existent wrinkles. I couldn't help myself but giggle slightly at his actions. He stopped what he was doing and look at me with an astonished expression.


"I didn't know that a demon could have such a cute laugh." A small blush crept onto my cheeks. Did he just compliment me? "Yes, I did just compliment you." Did he just read my mind? "No, I didn't read your mind."

"Then how do you know what I'm thinking?" I questioned.

"Your facial expressions say it all. It's pretty obvious as to what you are thinking about when you make those faces," he replied with a smile, showing off his pearly white teeth.

"What are you up to? You were a complete ass when I was patching you up, now you're being all sweet."

"I was raised to treat all women with respect. Especially a woman as beautiful as you," he said, adding a wink at the end. "That reminds me, I need to apologize for the way I was acting. Even though I was basically kidnapped you did show me some hospitality and patched me up, so I am sorry for lashing out."

We stared at each other for several moments. His blue eyes bored into my green ones. I couldn't look away from them. It was like I was swimming in an endless blue pool of water, looking for something that isn't there.

I had to squeeze my eyes shut and turn made head away to regain control. "Um, right..." keep it together Raven, don't let him get to you. "I actually only came back down here to make sure you're in tip-top shape which you seem to be perfectly fine now, so you better rest up angel, you have a big day tomorrow."

"What do you mean by that? Are you going to do some weird demon things to me?"

"What? No, you're just going to be tested."

"What do you mean I'm going to be tested?" he questioned again.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "You ask too many questions. Just wait until tomorrow and you will find out then. I'll be coming back to escort you there." I then walked away before he could protest or ask any more questions.

As I trekked up the long staircase, I found myself lost in thought constantly thinking of him. Why am I thinking about an angel who is in fact, my enemy? I can not answer that because I don't know myself.

It can't be because of his personality since he has a rollercoaster of emotions that I can barely keep up with. It's not his weird perfectly toned body or his unnaturally soft skin. It's not those blue eyes that I find myself getting lost in every time I look into them or his golden hair that looks so soft that I just want to rake my fingers through it. But that body, oh that body, I can't help but image him—

I paused in my tracks when I realized what I was thinking. I shook my head and continued my way up the stairs. There's no way... he's an angel I'm a demon we are natural enemies. Last time I checked you cant fall in love with your enemy. Although...

"Helloooo hell to Raven, anybody home?" I was snapped out of my thoughts at the sight of a hand waving in front of my face. "There she is. You've been standing here all dazed out for a couple of minutes now. What are you thinking about?"

"Abaddon..." I can't tell him what I'm thinking about that angel. I will never hear the end of it and then he'll end up snitching on me to Lucifer which would lead to me being severely punished. "I was just thinking about war and... stuff." What the actual hell? That was the worst lie ever.

Abaddon raised an eyebrow at me and looked me over. "That was a real suspicious answer but I'll be nice for once and won't question it. Anyways, Lucifer wanted me to let you know that the angel's fight has been moved to right about now, and he wants you to escort him to the arena."

My jaw dropped at his words. "Are you fucking serious? I just walked back up those stairs and you're telling me I have to go back down and up a third time today?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I couldn't find you," he replied, shrugging his shoulders. "Don't be such a baby. They're just stairs."

"I'd like to see you walk up and down that staircase three times. My legs are killing me." I groaned while trying to stretch my sore muscles.

"I don't get how you're the number one warrior. You can be seriously lazy." He sighed.

"Whatever," I mumbled while turning back towards the staircase. "I hope one of those beasts eats your limbs."

"Don't be so mean, Rave!" He yelled back as I descended back down the unnecessarily long staircase for the third time today.

Word Count: 1414

I'm sorry for taking so long with this chapter I ended up working on future chapters since I was stuck on this one for the longest. I also I apologize if this chapter isn't that good.

Prodigal Child

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