Chapter Six

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Gabriel's POV

I listened for silence, signaling that that wretched demon was now gone. I got up from where I sat on the cot and peered beyond the iron bars of the cell only to see nothing but a soft glow in the distance. There wasn't a guard in sight. I couldn't even see any other prisoner in a cell nearby.

I then turned around and started looking around the small cell and scrunched my face in disgust. The cement wall was cracked and had water leaking from it. On the walls names, dates, and some vulgarity were written or carved onto them. Off to the side, there was an old cot that sat against the wall with a blanket that looked rough to the touch.

This is absolutely terrible. Even the angel prison is in better condition than this. These demons really are savages.

I began to scan the cell once more. It doesn't look as though there's any other way out than up those stairs. No windows or other doors. Although that demon did say I'd get lost if I tried to escape. I wonder what she meant by that.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the halls. I quickly took a seat on the weak cot, trying to look as casual as possible. A few seconds later, a demon guard stepped out from the shadows and stopped a few inches from the cell entrance.

"I heard that an angel was brought here and was kept in the dungeon. I didn't believe it at first, but to see you out of all angels... why are you still here? You could easily break out of here."

I raised my brow at him in question. "You speak as if you know who I am."

"Do you seriously not recognize me?" He asked in surprise.

"No? Why would I? I don't associate with demons, so why in the world would I know who you are?"

"Gabriel, it's me, Raziel." I stood from the cot walked cautiously over to the guard. As I got closer, the guard started looking more familiar.

I studied his face and noticed his signature jagged scar that went across his right eye. "It is you Raziel. I apologize for not recognizing you, I haven't seen you in so long I honestly forgot you were here."

"Right right enough about that, answer my question. What are you doing here? You could easily get out." He questioned hastily.

"I know I know, my base was ambushed but some demons, and I was the only one who apparently survived. I don't know why they kept me alive, but by being here I may be able to assist with your inside job. Being in a cell doesn't mean I can't get information."

"That is an idiotic plan. What if the demons figure out who you are? The angels need you Gabriel you can't let them get you."

"There's no need to worry Raziel. Even if they did find out who I was, They wouldn't kill me. I'd be too valuable for them to kill."

"I suppose you're right..." he mumbled, "Although you should still be cautious. Demons are known for being ruthless monsters."

"I know this Raziel. Especially after what they did to my base.."

"What did they do exactly? You never said what happened."

"They showed up in the night. I'm sure their numbers were low because no one else knew they were there except for me. Everyone was by the fire celebrating besides me and those patrolling. While I was patrolling, I saw Yael and Ramiel dead on the forest floor, and a trail of black sand going around the base. I back tracked and saw this demon chanting. We fought and I was about to win when there was an explosion of light, causing me to black out. When I awoken, that same demon was tending to my wounds," I paused, grimacing at that thought.

"A demon tended to your wounds? I find that hard to believe."

"Well believe it because that's what happened. Right before she left she told me what happened to all of those angels. She sent them to purgatory."

"Purgatory!? But that shouldn't be possible."

"It apparently is possible, and I swear that I will get my revenge on the demon who did this to my soldiers."

"If you were on the base do you happen to have any updates on the invasion?" he asked.

"No I don't. Things are still the same. We have a makeshift plan but the only problem is we have no way to get in. Scouts reported that security is pretty tight here and I'm sure you could agree." Raziel nodded his head at my words and stayed silent in thought.

"Actually there is only one time when there aren't too many guards around, and that's during the war meeting."

"The war meeting?"

"Yes, they focus the guards in the area where the war meeting is held to keep all of the generals and Lucifer safe since they are all in one place. If we invade during the meeting they won't be able to fully protect there borders, leaving an opening for us to get through."

"Raziel you genius! That just might work. When is this war meeting?"

"It'll be held in three days. I'm meeting with a scout later today to give what little information I have. I will be sure to tell them what we have discussed and the plan of action."

"Perfect, now you better get going. We don't want the demons to catch us talking, it would ruin everything." He nodded his head and turned to leave, but then a thought came to mind. "Wait before you go I have a quick question."

He turned back around and tilted his head in confusion. "What is it?"

"What can you tell me about a demon named Raven? She has red hair and green eyes."

"Raven huh? I do believe she's known as the Krieger among the demons. Not a general but is still at the top with demons like Abaddon, Beelzebub, or Mammon. I heard that Lucifer himself trained her. Other than that I don't know anything else about her. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, there's no particular reason, I'm just curious," I answered simply. I would rather him not know all of the details or whatever little plan I have. At least not yet.

"Alright... I'll see what I can find out about Raven. Don't get your hopes up though if I come up short-handed. These demons usually keep all of their personal information to themselves, so it's hard to find anything out."

"Don't worry about that. Just tell me everything that you find out including what the scout tells you about the invasion."

"Yes sir, I'll try and come back as soon as possible after getting the information." With that, he turned and disappeared into the shadows of this damp dungeon, his echoing footsteps slowly disappearing.

I backed away from the cell bars, and sat back down on the rickety old cot I was provided.

"Raven, Raven, Raven..." I mumbled quietly, "I will get my revenge."

Word Count: 1190

Prodigal Child

Don't forget to...





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