Chapter 27: To Do a Great Right

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"It's time to open the gates of the new world, so that the old can snuff it out and restore our world to what it once was. For there is only room for one world in this age, and that is the age of humanity: the pinnacle of unity."

"So, let us all be prepared to welcome this new age with open arms. But only after we've done our part. Be prepared 'to flash with thunderbolts!'"

The people of the Coalition clap and cheer, but Regan and Cree share an uncertain look. They see that with the speech over, some people start to leave the mess hall to return to their chambers, so they grab Reela and do the same.

The girl seems very tired, so Regan takes her to her room and gets her tucked in and ready for bed before making his way to his own room, slipping in and softly shutting the door behind him.

He turns to see Cree already sitting on his bed with that same look of worry on his face.

"So... that sounded like anarchy, right?" he states.

Regan nods with a sigh, making his way over and sitting beside him. "So I'm not the only one who noticed... I do believe that Haegen's heart is in the right place, but..."

"But his methods of achieving this 'Old-World Order' leave nothing to chance."

"Exactly," he sighs. "'To do a great right do a little wrong, and curb this cruel devil of his will.' He wants peace, but he's just using the wrong means to reach it..."

Cree groans and lowers his head, his back slouching. "What he said about 'technological advancements' to make humans 'better'... I don't think he was just talkin' about Hexes there."

Regan tilts his head a bit. "What do you think he was talking about?"

Cree sighs and stands up, pointing to the door while keeping his attention on Regan. "Haegen knows about the other continents and their experiments. If someone as passionate about stopping these 'advancements of technology' as he is found out about, oh I don't know, sentient pieces of technology that were solely created to make humanity better. How do you think he would react?"

Regan's brows contort up in concern. "But... the biggest difference between Hexes and SRL is that Hexes chose to become what they are. SRL didn't."

"I doubt the big guy cares all that much. He would probably still see it as this 'cleansing' of the new world. Look, I hate the Imperium, Dominion, and Dev'al Ordon as much as the next sane person would, but killing all of their creations seems too extreme. If we want to spite the Imperium, why not go after them directly? Why target the Hexes?" Cree questions.

Regan tries to think about it, but for once he turns up nothing. "I've no clue... He isn't even from Eutria, so why is he so adamant about wiping out the existence of Hexes to begin with? And why keep all these secrets? I mean, I want to help the people of this continent, but is going to these lengths really... worth it?" he groans and lowers his head to hold it in his hands. "...What have I gotten us into?"

"Hey hey, this isn't on you. We came here together hoping to get help for finding Edith and Colin. We didn't know about all of this," Cree hurries back to his side and tenderly rubs his back, nuzzling against his side.

Regan sighs and lowers his hands, wrapping one around Cree to bring him into a loose side-hug. "We haven't even found any information on where they are. How long will it be before they help us?"

Cree shrugs with slight restraint while being against Regan. "I don't know. I'm not going to be here, as I've gotta head to Riven with Giovanni and the Beacon tomorrow so the broadcast that might just bring mass genocide to Eutria can go out..." he growls and pinches the bridge of his nose.

ImperiumTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon