Chapter 26: Defend Every Value

Start from the beginning

"I am ready for my next assignment, Director. I will do whatever it takes to—"

She stops herself with a shrill yelp at the feeling of a lash across her back and she falls silent, biting her tongue and forcing herself to keep her eyes open.

She hears Corbin's slow, agonizing footsteps; the clicking of her heels as she walks around her to her back, still keeping her distance. Jane can feel her eyes burning on her. Her predatory glare and sadistic smirk.

"Your next assignment? Do you mean to tell me you have completed your last? If that's the case, then tell me;" Jane tenses once she feels The Director's hand on her shoulder.

"Have you found those machines yet?"

Jane swallows back her nerves, only ending up worsening them. She uses every fiber of her being; every ounce of strength she has to not let herself shake from the sheer dread of having to answer honestly. She knows the consequences for lying.

"N—No, Director. But—"

She hisses against the pain when the stern hand on her shoulder runs down her back, pressing hard against the fresh mark from the lash to overlay the initial sting.

"No? Yet here you are, demanding a new task when you have yet to fulfil your current one?"

"I just... I would be more capable of acquiring them with my ability... I—"

"Your gift that I revoked. You cannot ask for something back that was never yours to begin with. Your strength makes you a valuable asset, Harvey. However your actions thus far have pushed your boundaries further and further towards making you a liability. To the Imperium. To Eutria," she gently grabs her by her neck, forcing her to meet her piercing gaze. "To me."

She lets her go and steps away, returning her hands to cross behind her back. Jane watches her, minding the whip still in her hand.

"So tell me, Harvey. What makes you think you are worthy of my gift once again? Without payment or sacrifice, there is nothing to reward."

Jane breathes steadily. "I'm not afraid of sacrifice. Whatever you'd have me do, my will is yours to command. I am your pawn. And you, my queen."

The Director chuckles disdainfully, still smiling in self-admiration which makes Jane feel sick to her stomach. "You would do anything...? Hm..." she hums low as she considers her options, then bites her lip with an idea.

"I will tell you what... Now that I think about it, there is... something you could do to possibly earn my favor. A little... 'competition', if you will," she stalks towards her, letting the clicking of her boots grow heavier the closer she gets.

"Fritz Covett has just left for his next assignment. But... should you complete his task before he can, then perhaps you can prove to be not as useless as I am starting to believe you are."

Jane slightly smiles, already aching to do whatever she has to.

"If that is your command, I will do what you require. Please, my lady, what must I do before Fritz can?"

The Director sets the whip on her desk, drawing her long-nailed fingertips over every worn grove over the years of extensive use on the weapon.

"Our unit stationed at the ISC Company shipyard of Wrightendell reported seeing the Lost Descendant of Ophelia. Go to the isle stronghold of Fulminare and retrieve the boy. If you can acquire him and deliver him back to me before Fritz Covett can, then I will deem you valuable to my collection once again."

Jane nods hurriedly. "It will be done. Is that all, Director?"

"Yes. The Lost Descendant does not need to be unharmed, so long as he is brought to me alive. I do not care by what means you use, so long as he is in my hands by the end. Either from your efforts," she grabs Jane's chin to turn her face up towards her. "Or Fritz's."

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