Until I'm not.

A dark shadow fills the other side of the desk, and by the clink of a key I know it's him. I don't dare to tear my eyes from my work, completely ignoring him as he makes himself at home.

"Oh come on Mel, we don't need to keep playing this game." I stay completely still, hoping the earphones pressed into my ears fools him into thinking I'm not listening. 

"Mel-l-l, I know you can hear me." He places his index finger underneath my chin, tilting it until I'm looking up at him. A self-assured smirk sits on his lips, almost pulling one from my own face.

"I know you're thrilled to see me." I gulp, his voice low and throaty as he challenges me.

"More like waiting in earnest until you leave." he laughs, a laugh far too loud for the quiet, sullen library. A round of shh's head directly to us, my cheeks flushing at the attention. 

"Keep your voice down, I'm trying to study." I hiss, pulling myself from his grip. I can't let him know any part of how I'm feeling, or the affect he has on me. If I open the guarded gates, my thoughts could probably fill this library just from their volume.

"Aww, so did I Melly, looks like we can work together." he whispers, a faint rasp flowing from his throat. 

"Where did you even spawn from? Go back, I'm trying to work. Independently." He snorts, loudly.

"Spawn? What am I, a minecraft character?"

"Yes. So go back there, and leave me alone, please." he grumbles, his mouth snapping shut. Good.

I work in silence for a few minutes, although I'm hyperaware of how close I'm sitting to Bailey. I'm sure if I listened hard enough, I could make out the rhythm of his breath, the tap of his foot against the table leg... NO! Stop it Melanie!

A small cough comes from beside me, followed by the shadow slowly moving. His chair scrapes across the carpeted floor ever so softly, his feet moving across it.

Yes, please leave. That'll be better for the both of us.

"Yes Melanie, I did accidentally drown your cat 11 years ago, and I would like to apologise for it. Melanie Flores, it is with my deepest sorrow that I apologise for drowning your second born cat, Garfield back in 2010. I was just a kid, and I didn't realize poor Garfield was sitting there when I fell against the old well in your Grandmother's back garden. It was pure accident, and I don't think I can go on unless you accept my sincerest apologies." My eyes snap up from my work, my hands moving quickly to yank out my earphones.

"Shut the fuck up and sit down." I hiss, reaching out to pull his arm. 

"Oh but Melly," he smiles faintly, taking the hand pressed to his arm and pulling it into his. He falls down onto one of his knees, his eyes pleading with me. "I cannot stop, until I apologise. The guilt of poor Garfield the Second of Flores Hall lives hauntingly in my mind, and I simply cannot stop my grievances until you understand what I've done."

A clerk with grey hair piled into a tight bun strides towards us, her glasses smacking against her chest from where they hang on a chain. I pull my eyes back to Bailey, again trying to pull him off of the floor. He shakes his head, smirking. 

"Okay, I accept your dearest apologies. Now, get your ass off the floor." I hiss, trying to pull him again. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Melly, I don't think I heard you."

"Uh, excuse me! This is a library! Have you no respect?" The librarian is scowling, her arms folded against her chest in defiance. "Get out, the both of you!" I feel like reasoning with her, as I'm not the one literally yelling in a library, but her firm stare tells me not to. I drop Bailey's hand, gathering my things and throwing them into my bag. With one last sympathetic look (one of which is not reciprocated) I hoist the bag over my shoulder, hurrying to the front of the library. I don't look back to see whether Bailey is following me, instead dropping my head to get away from the stares I'm receiving. I cross the large room quickly, bursting out of the doors and into the sunlight. 

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