Your Worst Nightmare

9 0 2

February 14th, 2007
Your POV
3:47 AM

I awoke to a noise coming from outside

"Hello?" I asked, walking over to my open window.

After waiting there for a minute to check if it was nothing, I went back to bed because I have so much to do today.

About 30 minutes go by and I'm awoken by the same sound.

I decide to just ignore it and try to sleep again but then I realize the noise came from inside my room.
Ohh shit... I thought


I shut my eyes tightly when I felt whoever, or what ever was in my room move my hair out of my face.

A few moments go by until I hear the scariest giggle ever followed by someone yelling

"Go... to.... SLEEP!!!" in a demonic voice while pouncing on me pinning me to my bed.

I instinctively start kicking my legs, praying to God that I don't miss.

"Ow!!" The horrifying voice yells.

While he's distracted I push him off me and grab my pocket knife from my drawer. I quickly pin him down with my knife to his throat and toss his knife across my room. We stay in this position for a few seconds.

"What the fuck?!." I shout, still in shock from what just happened.

"Okay, you can get off me now." He says.... "No seriously" He adds after I don't respond.

I needed to act quickly before he got loose and killed me. I spot my cell phone from the corner of my eye, and quickly grab it. I hit the killer on the head with all my strength, repeatedly until he was knocked out. I then unlocked my phone and dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?" The operator asked sounding very tired.

"Hello! I need police! I was just nearly murdered!" I tell her.

"State your name and location." She says.

"My name is Y/N Black, and I live at 747 Oak street. Please hurry." I say.

"The authorities are on their way, please remain calm." She says

Remain calm? I was nearly fucking murdered! I thought.

I hear the sirens come from down the street and relax a bit. Luckily I live in a small town with barely any crime, so police was almost always available. I quickly run away from the killer to unlock my front door and I see the cop car in front of my house.

"Follow me!" I tell them and run back upstairs into my room, except the only thing left on the scene was a paper that was written on in awful handwriting. I pick it up and it read

'Y/N. You might think you have won this time, but it was all apart of my genius plan. Show this note to anyone and I will murder everyone you've ever cared for.
Love, JTK

After reading that, my blood went cold. How on earth did he know my name? Did he stalk me? And why does he think he is John F Kennedy?? Nevermind, that's a T.. I think. I quickly shove the paper in my pocket, and wait for the cops to ask me the details.

"Okay miss, can you please go over everything that happened." An officer asks.

"I was asleep then I heard a noise, Then someone told me 'go to sleep!' and jumped on me. I kicked him and he fell so I got my knife—" I reached for my pocket knife only to find it was gone. That motherfucker.
"Umm, it's gone. But I held it to his neck and then I knocked him out with my cell phone and called you guys." I explained, still very much in shock. I think I heard one of them snicker and the officer said "Looks like someone had been reading too many scary stories."

"What?!" I ask in disbelief. How could they not believe me??

"Haven't your parents told you not to prank call the police?" The second one asks.

"B-but I'm not lying!" I say, while my eyes tear up.

"Look, we'll let you off this time, but if you try something like this again, you'll be charged. Have a good night." They say and exit my house.

I decided to call the only person I trusted, my boyfriend.

"Vic... I- uhh is it alright if I come over? I just really don't feel safe alone." I say while trying not to cry.

"Of course you can, love." He says.

I love him so much.

"I'll see you soon." He says and hangs up.

I quickly change into some comfortable clothes, not wanting to stay in this house any longer. I then head downstairs and put my keys in my pocket. I exit my door and start walking to Vics house. I was much more aware of my surroundings than I have ever been before. Even thinking about that horrifying voice brought me chills. I heard a rustling in the woods and started speed-walking. I know it was probably just a bunny, or a squirrel, but there was also a small chance that it could be him.

Vics house was unlocked, and I rushed inside as quick as possible, locking the door behind me.

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