Chapter 9 (Tales Of Huskies and Screams)

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I like this chapter so much more than my last one, god. This chapter is short but it covers a lot of ground in my opinion. BTW the top image hurts.

Scott's POV

I feel guilty. 

Insanely guilty.

We should've told Stiles about the "follow up meeting" as Erica mockingly put it. But then again, he probably wouldn't have come, a voice in the back of my head echoed. Derek had pointed it out earlier when we all went back to the loft, but I decided instead of getting in a fight with my alpha to just grumble lowly and cross my arms in a (even though I'll never admit it out loud) childish way. 

Lydia had protested and left after huffing and scowling at every one of us. I don't know if she's recognized it yet but I think ever since prom night in sophomore year she's cared for Stiles. But not in the way I care for him, in a more... affectionate way.

I perk up when I feel Kira nudge me lovingly. I send her a small smile her way and she sends one back before looking at Derek pointedly. I look his way and find him watching me sternly.

"Scott." I give a sheepish smile, "We were talking about whether we can trust Stiles or not."

I guffawed and stuttered out, "What do you mean!? Of course, we can trust him!" I start to feel my claws come out but they recede when I feel Kira's hand on my elbow slowly coaxing me down back into the couch cushion.

"I mean," Derek grounded out, "That he hasn't been the most truthful lately. He lied to us about being supernatural. He lied to us about knowing the Mikaelsons—the oldest, most dangerous vampires in the world—who he's met before because his mom—who a couple of days ago was just Stiles' mom that he missed—was friends with the Mikaelsons." He lets out a growl at the rumble of defiance deep in my chest, "You don't get it, Scott, I grew up supernatural, learning all about the food chain of all the other creatures out there and where we are as wolves, is nothing—nothing—compared to the Mikaelsons. They're the apex predator here, Scott. And Stiles considers them friends. I smelled the emotions on him 3 days ago in Deaton's clinic and I know you did too." I hold back a whimper.

Because... Derek is right. It's impossible as a wolf not to know the feelings Stiles portrays whenever we talk about the vampire family. 

"Okay..." Am I going to regret this? "I understand..." I'm so sorry, Stiles. "What do you want me to do?"


I lost Stiles' scent, so for the last ten minutes, I've been trying to pick it up again. The question that sustains through this entire time is: Why the hell is Stiles in the woods? It's reasonable considering not that long ago before the second pack meeting of today I dropped him off at his house thinking he was gonna stay there all day, but now look at me: standing in the middle of the woods nose cocked up searching for his scent because apparently, Stiles is mysterious or something now.

Issac ran off without me earlier when he realised Derek had stopped chaperoning and was doing his own thing.

Suddenly the wind shifts and Stiles' scent hits my nose. My head whips around in the direction of the human and I start running towards it. 

I let out a yelp and my feet skid against the forest floor in a cartoonish way when a white-furred Huskey comes barreling through the trees assaulting my senses with the smell of fear, protectiveness, and a vague smell of Stiles.

When the Huskey notices me it reveals its teeth and rises in a predator-ish way. I shift to my beta mode and flash my eyes at it which makes the Huskey bare its neck and whimper. I walk closer, hands out in a placating way, towards the Huskey.

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