The Punch Up

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I came home to find Molly, TJ and his friends (A couple from Gayndah) partying and playing drinking games.

"Oi Hailey, we're going out tonight if you want to come?" Molly yelled from across the room. Well I wasn't doing anything in particular so why not I thought.

"Alright, sure where are we going?" I asked intrigued. " The Caxton" TJ said. Never heard of it.

So I got ready and joined in on the drinking games. We danced for a while and then caught an Uber to the Caxton hotel. It was a pirate themed night, which none of us had dressed up for. We chilled for a while in the Caxton hotel and the boys went to go get some drinks. Molly, me and the girl from Gayndah turned around when we heard a commotion happening. It seemed TJ was trying to break up a fight between two randoms.

A tall man of massive build proceeded to take out his mouth guard from his pocket and put it in his mouth. It had a scary shark teeth design on them. Then out of nowhere the man threw a punch at TJ, but luckily TJ is a boxer. He ducked and the man missed his face, punching the air. TJ threw a punch back and all of a sudden a massive fight broke out. The other guy from Gayndah joined in and they managed to get him to the floor. Security was trying to stop it. People who weren't even involved in it started to fight with random people and strangled each other. Us three girls were too stunned to speak. All we could do was stare in disbelief. Five people and the security pulled TJ away as he tried to thrash out of their grip. He was going manic. Molly tried to pull him back to reality. "TJ STOP" she said, still shaken and grabbing onto him. When he calmed down they let go of him and kicked us all out. The Massive man had already disappeared from the pub. But what kind of person carries a mouth guard around with them if they weren't looking for a fight, right? Tjs shirt was all torn to pieces. The friend from Gayndah tried to explain what happened to the security guard when we were outside. He wouldn't let us back in but did give a free Caxton T-shirt for TJ to wear.

We found another place to get a drink and met Sasha's boyfriend's brother, Nick, there by chance. We talked for a while, he was like 29 and I was 23 though and not to be mean, absolutely not my type. But he seemed to know a lot about me through Sasha. I knew nothing about him... didn't even know he existed.

After millions of ubers cancelled on us we finally got to the vic, a pub in the city. The vibe there was much better anyway. "Do you wanna go and dance?" Nick said. We were already dancing, but I could tell he was trynna make a move on me. "No, I'm okay, I'll stay here" I replied awkwardly. He kept trying to make moves all night and I didn't know what to do. "So are you single?" He asked. "Yeah" I said as I moved in closer to Molly. "Help" I whispered in her ear. She didn't know what to do either, so I hid behind her. "Can I have your Facebook" Nick asked. This guy does not know how to take a hint, I thought. "Yeah sure" I said as he entered his Facebook app. Why can I never say no?. Wait yes I had the best idea.

"By the way though I'm gay" I said convincingly. He paused and had a look of confusion on his face. "Oh my gosh, what.. I had no idea, I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable" he exclaimed. I felt bad.. but not that bad. I mean it was half true. He immediately left after I said that.

I walked up to TJ "Oi do I look gay at all?" I asked curiously.

"You look like you can cook me dinner, straight," he replied.

Well that night was certainly eventful. 

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