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I was awoken by knocking on my door. I opened the door slowly. "We're all having a group talk on the couch" Grace said in a way that made it sound serious. "Oh ok I'll just be a second" I said as I found my Oodie to put over my daggy PJ's.

We all sat around the couch, except 'the ghost' obviously, wondering what this was for. Was this normal? Did they always have group discussions?.

"Do you need me to clean anything?" Sasha said guiltily. "Are you okay Grace?, what's wrong?" Molly said.

"Okay so," she looked to the girl sitting next to her "This is Sarah and she has no place to go because her roommate is being very toxic right now, so if it's alright with you guys can she stay with me in my room just till lockdown is finished?". Grace looked around trying to read the room.

Honestly I had thought she was just another roommate, cuz I barely knew these people anyway. "I don't mind, it's fine with me" I said. The rest also agreed. But little did we know it wasn't just for the next 3 days but for the next 3 months. It was fine though, she was cool... and also a lesbian.

"Guys since it's lockdown tonight why don't we have a sleepover together?"Darcy said excitedly. "Yass" everyone else liked the idea.

We all brought our mattresses to the lounge room and rearranged the furniture for it to fit all of us. It was a typical girls night, well with the 2 boyfriends. We played truth or dare, paranoia and watched the hunger games. Ari even joined and brought along her 'snuggle buddy'...

I don't know how to describe it but both Ari and Darcy had the vibe that just made you like them. Good banter I guess, I don't know. Or was it attractiveness? I'm confusing myself. Maybe I shouldn't have said I was straight.

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