Chapter 6

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Author's POV...

After a few minutes, Rishi spoke again. "Ms.Reena and grandma, I know it is hard to digest but trust me I have fallen for your daughter. You may have a lot of questions in your mind like, why Naina? Am I eligible for Naina and so on? Actually, I am 31 years old and I am adopted. My biological parents were Vijay and Shreya. They did many cruel acts to my mom and dad. They eventually ended up in jail so my dad and Anu ma took custody of me. That is how I became their eldest son. Very soon, they gave birth to Devdutt and Aditi. But even after the arrival of Aditi and Dev, my parents never treated me differently. Once I learnt that I was adopted, I began my own company as I didn't want anyone to point their fingers and ruin my relationship with my parents and siblings. Of course my father invested in it for me at first but I have paid off all his money and I have declined my share of inheritance and wealth. Ms.Reena and grandma, this is my story in a nutshell. This is me and I can't be more transparent than this. I will give you time to decide whether to give me your daughter's hand in marriage. Whatever the decision may be, do let me know and please don't make me wait for too long please. I'm already old" he cracked a small joke at last in hope to lighten the situation.

"Rishi sir..."

"Call me Rishi, please" Rishi interrupted Reena. Reena smiled and said, "You will have to call me Aunty then" to which Rishi nodded.

"Rishi I respect you and your thoughts but as you see, it's quite hard to digest the things you said. I respect your honesty but I don't think this will be a good idea. We are middle class people. You belong to one of the richest families in the city. This feels wrong, Rishi" said Reena. Naina raised her eyes a little to see Rishi. He ran his hands through his hair and smiled.

"Ma'am, judging me because of my status also sounds wrong. I understand your concern but I asked for your daughter's hand in marriage because I fell for Naina's soul and personality. I have everything but I crave for something to call my Love. Being my wife means being my life partner and enjoying a luxurious life. That is how other girls see it. But it's way more difficult than that, of course Naina will have a good life but with that a lot of responsibilities may come but I know that a girl like Naina will be able to handle it well because she was taught well by her family. She knows how to behave. I mean she directly went to my Mom and told her about how I treated her with such confidence that even my family fell in love with her. I promise you, Naina will always be my priority. I will do my best to be a good husband. In case of bad times, I will never let her sleep on an empty stomach. I will fulfill all her needs. Aunty I promise she will be happy with me! I guess I have said what I wanted to say. Now the decision is in yours, grandma's and Naina's hands. I shall leave now." Saying this Rishi got up. Reena escorted Rishi to his car. . . . . . . .

Now Reena and Naina were sitting in grandma's room to discuss what just happened.

"Naina, what do you think about this proposal? You are the one who is supposed to get married, so tell me" Reena said. After a brief moment, Naina said "Ma, I am not ready for this marriage! I don't want to marry Rishi sir".

"Fine, we will not force you but I will start bringing in proposals and you will have to agree to one of them Naina" Grandma said.

"Ma I can't. I don't want to marry anyone! Why can't I live as I am living now?" Naina replied on the verge of tears.

"Naina, why are you crying? We didn't say anything for you to cry." Grandma said

"Grandma, I need some time," Naina said, not meeting grandma's eyes. "Rishi seems very nice. He is rich, well educated and most importantly transparent. What else do we want?" Reena said.

"It is not always about the money and status or love. There will be things that cannot be said out loud". Naina wanted to say more but she stopped as her family does not know about her past.

"What is it?" Reena asked her daughter, now worried but Naina didn't reply.

"Naina, God knows how long mum and I will be around. What will happen to you after we die? Very soon John (Naina's brother) will get married and start a family of his own. He won't be here to look after you. We don't want you to lead a lonely life, think about it and let me know Naina. Mum and I will pray for a positive response from your side." Reena said and left grandma's room. Very soon Naina went back to her room and thought about Rishi's proposal. He seemed like a genuine and honest man and she also had feelings for him. What harm is there in giving Rishi a chance? Not all men are heartless as her rapist but how can she tell him about her past? That day Naina tried to come up with various justifications to say yes to Rishi but one reason was enough to make those justifications to be thrown out of the window.

. . . . .

Here comes the next chapter. Hope you all enjoyed it.

Will Naina agree to this marriage?

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Thank you kiki8775 for editing this chapter for me ♥️♥️

Thank you

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