Chapter 10: My Fault

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Let me take over


If you want your friend to be kill then I won't-

Please stop him!

Very well, Alexander Hidari.

Ruby POV

We watch in horror seeing Isis getting close to the unconscious Dav, we want to jump in but we currently don't have our weapon with us, Alex older won't work on him we can't do anything to help.

Alex: Isis!

He turn to Alex who walk closer to him, he charge at her.

Ruby: Alex? What are you doing?

She didn't answer only walk closer to him

Blake: Is she crazy!?

She stomp her foot but this time Isis fall to the ground as he look up at her, I could hear heavy breathing.

Alex: Stay there, that an older. My orders are absolute.

His armor faded away, tear still falling from his eyes.

Isis: Huh? What? Alex?

She kick him in face making him fall unconscious. She then put and hand on her head like she have a headache.

Alex: Ugh! Isis!

Blake: What was that?

Ruby: I don't know but that was amazing.

Time Skip

We are currently going to the infirmary with Alex and team JNPR, Dav and Yang have awaken but Isis still haven't.

Ruby: Hey how ya doing?

Yang: I'm doing great sis, soon I will be back up and kicking in no time.

Blake: That good to hear.

Nora: How about you Dav?

Dav: Feel like being hit by a truck but I will be fine.

Pyrrha: So how is Isis is doing?

Jaune: He taken the least amount of damage in the fight but why is he haven't walk up?

Alex: Mental damage and emotional damage, he suffer from those kind of damage. Who know what is going on inside his head right now.

Ruby: I'm sure he will be fine Alex.

Alex: No no he won't.

Ren: What are you saying?

Dav: The last time he used the Fang Memory thing like this also happen luckily my father was there to stop him but we also find out what happened to him when he use that Memory.

Alex: If that mind isn't stable or strong enough to handle the pressure, he will lost control and would attack anything that stand in his way. I also find out from my father when his partner used Fang he was able to see inside his mind.

Ren: What did he see?

Alex: His partner a calm and collected guy inside his mind it like library that have alot of info about our world.

Pyrrha: Really that sound awesome.

Alex: But when used the Fang Memory he fall in to fear when my father saw inside his consciousness all the bookshelf are burning his partner fall into frozen fear luckily father was able to pull him out of it before they kill aunte Aki, Dav mother. But with Isis we can't get inside his consciousness like my father did.

Weiss: So what can we do now?

Alex: I think you should stay away from him.

Weiss then get on her knees as she bow her head to Alex, she was begging.

We where surprised, she never lower her head like this before.

Weiss: Please Alex, I beg you. I want to make thing right, I didn't mean to hurt him. I'm sorry!

Ruby: Alex please give her chance.

Alex: *sigh* Fine, if he forgive you then we will accept it.

Isis then suddenly get up from his bed.

Everyone: Isis!

Alex: Are you ok? How you feeling?

Isis: Fine.

Ruby: Well we are glade that you are ok.

Alex POV

Something is wrong

Alex: Isis are you ok?

Isis: I don't know.

Dav: Dude how you doing, you sound terrible, is some thing wrong?

Isis: Maybe, maybe not.

Nora: Are you messing with us Isis?

Isis: I don't know.

Weiss: Isis, I'm sorry. For everything.

Isis: It's my fault to begin with.

Alex/Weiss: No it's not your fault.

I then look to Weiss as she look back at me. 

Did we just share the same thought?

Isis: Are you sure about that?

Ruby: Huh?

Isis: It was my fault for using Fang, it was my fault that my family was kill by the White Fang, it was because of me that you didn't become a rider Alex, it was my fault for uncle Shotaro dead.


I was so angry at him I slap him try to knock some sense into him

Alex: Shut up! It wasn't you fault that thing happen! It was never you fault to begin with!

He then take my hand, pull out his driver and put it in my hand

Alex: What?

Isis: Here, I won't be rider anymore, I quit.

RWBY: Kamen Rider LostOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz