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Anupama's phone beeped. Fishing it out of her cloth bag, she looked at it.

2 messages from Anuj Kapadia.

She unlocked her phone and read the messages.

Can you stop by work after school?

The next message right after read: Come around 1. Skip the dance rehearsals today.

Anu paused. Since she'd been selected to lead the school's team at the Modhera Dance Festival, she had never skipped rehearsal. In fact, Anuj himself, on numerous occasions had told her how happy he was that she'd started dancing again. She wondered what could be so urgent that Anuj was asking her to skip rehearsals today.

She texted him back. Can't it wait?

Within a minute he responded: I wouldn't have asked if it could.

She sighed. Picking up her purse, she walked through the long corridors until she stood in front of IX A where Jyotsana Karthik was teaching.

"Jyotsana, I have some urgent work today. Can you please go ahead with the rehearsals without me? I promise I'll make up."

Jyotsana smiled. "It's alright. We'll take care. Don't worry about the rehearsals. All of the choreography is anyway done."

Then as an afterthought, she added: "Who will be picking up Kinjal? She usually leaves with you, right?"

Anupama pondered. And then texted again.

What about Kinjal?

Her phone beeped immediately.

I've told Kaka. He will pick her up at 5 after the rehearsals.

She smiled. Anuj always thought of everything. That's why he was where he was today.

She informed Jyotsana that her Kaka would pick Kinjal up and made her way out.


It was a little past 1. Anupama was waiting for Anuj in his office. And he was nowhere in sight. She made her way to the sofa and sat down, her legs feeling more tired than usual. She decided to stretch them while she waited.

As she sat on the sofa, her legs stretched out like a cat, she blushed. She was in Anuj Kapadia's office lounging brazenly on his sofa. If someone was to walk in and see her like this, they definitely would get the wrong impression.

"Let them think what they want."

Anuj walked into his office and winked at her, and she once again stared at him confused as to how he'd managed to read her thoughts.

Pulling her legs back to the floor and bringing some semblance to her demeanor, Anupama asked: "What was so urgent?"


He handed her a rather large brown envelope. It was addressed to Anuj.

"I think you've passed me the wrong parcel."

"No, I haven't. Open it."

She did. And out fell the letter Kavya had written to her.


I won't address you as dear, because we frankly never shared a very cordial relationship. I was the reason behind your divorce. And it goes without saying that you're not going to thank me for it.

And while I have no particular affection for you either, we both have a common enemy - Vanraj Shah. You were far too nice to him. The same cannot be expected of me. I have enclosed some very valuable information that you might find both shocking and fascinating. And I'm curious to know what you will do with it.

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