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"And this is our home science teacher - Anupama Joshi." Mr. Patel's introduction of her brought her out of her stupor. She tentatively lifted her eyes to gaze into his chocolate brown ones, searching for any semblance of recognition. When she didn't find what she was looking for, she merely shuttered her own, trying to diffuse the disappointment she felt at Anuj's lack of recognition, joined her hands in a namaste and said "Jai Shri Krishna."

Anuj looked at her, his eyes feasting on her form after 21 long years. A businessman, rich and famous at that, Anuj had, over the years, been introduced to and proposed by women from all backgrounds and walks of life. And yet, he hadn't found what he was looking for. He hadn't found someone like his mom. He hadn't found someone like Anupama. 

Clad in a pea-green handwoven cotton sari, her hair neatly braided, laying against her shoulder, a small red bindi adorning her forehead, a slight gold chain visible against the sand colour of her skin.  She looked just the way she had 21 years ago. He wanted to ask her about her family, wanted to hear about how happy and fulfilling her life was. Her kids would've all been grown up. He hoped for a reason to meet them. 

His train of thought derailed when he heard Mr. Patel's introduction of Anupama. Donning his famous poker face, he temporarily abandoned all intention of renewing their old acquaintance for the time being. 

Mr. Patel had introduced his old college colleague as Anupama Joshi, not Anupama Shah. And for a traditional woman dressed in a sari, she was definitely missing her mangal sutra. Had her husband passed away?

Unknown to the questions erupting in Anuj's mind, the Principal continued. "Anupama's youngest daughter Pakhi also studies in this school."

Anuj hmmed to that bit of information.

"It's a pleasure meeting with you Mrs. Joshi," he commented distractedly.

"Ms Joshi, Mr Kapadia," she retorded.

He hoped his years of practice had prepared him for this situation. He'd previously been blindsided in businesses negotiations but nothing had surprised him as much as this revelation - that Anupama was no longer married. He took a deep breath to calm his heart that had suddenly started beating rather erratically.

"It's a pleasure meeting you Ms. Joshi," he corrected himself.  

He would've liked to shake her hand then, but he remembered she preferred the namaste, and so he joined his hands together and moved on to the next teacher eager for an introduction.


Anupama released the breath she'd been holding onto since she spotted Anuj entering the staff room. Her mind had warned her that Anuj wouldn't remember her but her heart hoped. Of course, he would remember her. He had remembered her at their last meeting, hadn't he? That was over 20 years ago, her mind cautioned.

And yet her heart hoped against hope that seeing her would kindle a vague memory, that he would acknowledge her for their past acquaintance, however brief it had been. He's rich and famous now, the mind argued. Anuj was never arrogant, the heart justified.

After their brief encounter today, Anupama's heart had been silenced by the mind. He might not have behaved in an arrogant manner, but he'd also not recognized her. What did you expect? Her mind screamed. Your own family members, your husband, your son, your daughter, your mother-in-law refuse to recognize you. Did you expect Anuj Kapadia, whom you last met briefly 21 years ago to remember you? Her heart didn't have an answer. So it stayed silent

While Anupama's mind and heart battled each other, Mr. Patel completed Anuj's introductions with the staff and moved to offer Anuj the refreshments that were laid out for him.

He glanced through the spread, picked up a plate, and made his way to the bowl of cut fruits and bananas.

"That was Anupama," Alka, who was standing right behind Anuj chirped. "She was insistent on having fresh-cut fruits as part of the spread."

Anuj's hand stopped midway, a piece of pear arrested in the space between his paper plate and mouth.

"Anupama prepared all of this?"

"Who else?" Alka chirped. "She is the Home Science teacher after all. All of these dishes have been made by her students. They all really love her."

The pear was remembered and promptly placed in the mouth. Another apple made its way to the same destination.

"I'm so glad Anupama didn't listen to me, " Alka continued, unaware of the connection between the man she was speaking to and the woman she was speaking about. "It was almost as if she had a sixth sense that you particularly enjoyed fresh fruits."

A sixth sense or had she remembered his preferences from their college days? He turned around to look at her but she was nowhere to be seen.

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