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It was a little past 8 pm when Anupama and Anuj finally made their way back home. 

Throughout the journey, Anupama kept thinking about what she should do. On the one hand, she really wanted a showdown with Kavya. Enough was enough. But then, on the other hand, Anuj had told her that whatever the outcome, it would have an effect on her plans to adopt Kinjal. Her rational mind told her that these plans had hardly been made a few hours ago, but Kinjal had already made a space for herself in Anupama's heart. And she didn't know how she could live peacefully if she didn't take responsibility for Kinjal.

Their drive back home had been rather silent. The only sound was that of twirling magnets, interspersed with the occasional blast of air from the car vents. With anxiety building within her, Anupama had turned to Anuj, quite a few times, sometimes to share her fears, sometimes to consult and seek advice, and sometimes to simply seek reassurance. Each time she turned, she noticed the twirling at an even pace. The man was lost in thoughts of his own. She didn't want to bother him and so she let it be.

When the two entered, GK informed them that dinner had been served. Both refused indicating they weren't hungry. Without a look at the other, Anuj made his way to his room and Anupama went to hers. As the door to Anuj's room shut, GK sensed something monumental had happened. He walked through the open door and placed his hands on a very lost Anupama's head.


"Kaka," Anupama startled as GK sat down next to her on the bed. 

She made space, trying to erase the invisible creases from the bedsheet, her eyes hovering around the room to keep him from reading her confusion. GK smiled. Her efforts were futile. In the few months that she'd come to live with them, GK had begun to read her like an open book. She was a simple, kind-hearted soul.

"What's wrong?" he asked, patting her hair gently.

"Nothing Kaka." Her voice, which had developed a certain spunk to it sounded muted. She oddly reminded him of the Anupama he first met when he got robbed at Ghatlodiya.

"Anu," he gently chastised. "You call me Kaka and you still want to lie to me?"

She turned and hugged him, staying there, drawing strength from this man she'd accepted as a father in her life. And her let her stay there, slowly rubbing her back, letting her derive strength from him, from his wisdom, assuring her of his support in any situation.

No one knew how long Anu stayed there before she broke the hug, made her way to the dresser, picked up the advance copy of tomorrow's newspaper that she'd placed there, and handed it to GK.

GK saw the contents of the newspaper, turned angry and swore. He then looked at Anupama, worried as to what was going through her mind.

"Anu, you don't believe..."

Anu shook her head to negate his thoughts. "I know this picture is morphed. That person, who has Anuj's face is actually Mr. Shah. I even know when this picture was taken."

"Then?" GK looked puzzled. Anu had not misunderstood Anuj. Things between them were still okay. Then what was the problem?

"Me," Anupama answered the unasked question. "I'm the problem," she sighed in response, her lips quivering with the weight of the unshed tears she was holding inside.

"Because I'm tired. I'm tired of this. When I got married to Mr. Shah, I didn't love him. And yet, I stayed faithful. I fulfilled all my duties and responsibilities as a daughter-in-law, wife, and mother. For what? A nine-year clandestine extramarital affair, a divorce that left me bereft of everything - family, relations, love..."

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