Pack Support System

Start from the beginning

"I trust you here Skyler," he reminded but I'm still gonna be sour about him not letting me go.

"Yeah, I know." Guess I'm just that amazing. He went to shake my hand but I couldn't take holding back my emotion and went in for a hug. "I'm proud of us Uncle Chris."

Sure she is too.

"I'll be back," he repeated and it took me a few seconds to pull out of the hug.

When he began to walk away I joined the other side of Scott. But I waved continuously until all the Calaveras were off into their cars.

And now Derek was going. Derek was alive too. Still couldn't wrap my head around that one. I also couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I missed Derek naked.

Naked! Like full nude. What a sight it must've been.

The only thing Derek did was smile and share a nod with us all. So I decided to give him a big and embarrassing wave.

I'm gonna miss the mysterious scary handsome man from the woods. The subtle goodbye suits him.

"You think he's coming back?" I whispered to Scott.

I don't think he was coming back. I don't know if Scott was okay with that. I don't know if I was okay with that.

Scott stared down at me and...stared. That projected exactly how I felt.

It's Derek. I'm gonna miss Derek. Mysterious murderous man in the woods. The man who knows what to say in every situation. So long Hale.

"What about you? You gonna be okay?"

He didn't answer but he just stared. Huh, same. "You?"

I didn't answer. I wanted to, but I couldn't. So I shrugged and glanced at Malia smiling with Stiles.

No. I wasn't okay watching him smile with a girl he brings into his room to talk crime with a constantly bicker over little things.

But I'm okay with knowing where I stand. As Scott's immature friend who once knew Stiles before he decided to shield every emotion from me.

And then it suddenly hit me. "Oh my god, what are we gonna tell Coach?!"


I hid behind Parrish as we entered the station. "Okay. So whatever you do. Don't move."

When we entered the area Parrish moved. Not only did he move he grabbed me by my shoulders and spun me to face Dad. Oh god. I am going to die.

"I said don't move why did you move?!" I squeaked and Parrish laughed completely abandoning me.

I thought me and handsome had a good thing going on too.

"Hey Pops, Daddio, father," I coughed on that last one. "Miss me?"

"Get the hell over here," he grumbled and held his hands out to welcome me into a hug. "You smell like crap."

"It's my natural scent," I grinned hugging him tightly.

Wow. And I'm not dead yet. The old man's going soft.

I managed to get a glimpse of Malia being welcomed into a hug with the two Stilinskis. I don't know if I'm okay but I'm okay with that not being okay. I think I think that? Right?

"You're grounded until your bones go brittle."

"I know."

We both laughed and I hugged him tighter mostly because what I just witnessed slightly hurt more than I wanted it to. I think Dad knew too.

Arrows To Ashes ➳ Stiles Stilinski [4]Where stories live. Discover now