Chapter ten

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Bruno had left the wedding planning up to Katerina, who was taking the pressure extremely well. She did, of course, enlist some help from Pepa and Fèlix, since Augustín and Julieta were busy taking care of their new baby girl.

Isabela was a sweet child, well-behaved other than the tantrums she'd throw when she needed something. It scared the crap out of Kat the first time she had to babysit. She ran downstairs, teary-eyed and afraid that her niece was going to explode or something. She hadn't, of course, but Kat was freaked out anyway. The poor woman had never taken care of kids before.

Even though she wasn't comfortable being left alone with the baby, she could often be found in Julieta's room, singing lullabies. It was always Bruno who would go out and search for her when someone had wedding questions or any other problem. He could see the longing glint in her eyes when she held Isabela but never asked her about it.

When the day of the wedding finally came, Kat tied her hair into a but and put intricate flower pins into it. Her dress wasn't too fancy, just an off-the-shoulder gown with flower embroidery. In the end, it didn't matter how she looked. She was finally marrying the love of her life, after all.

Alma convinced most of the town to come, meaning the church pews were filled with people who either hated Kat, were scared of Bruno, or just showed up to see the magical family. Julieta had made and decorated the cake, much to the anxious bride's delight. She would never get tired of eating her new sister-in-law's food, magic-infused or not.

That evening, Bruno stood at the altar, sweating bullets and cracking under the pressure of his own mind. Everything seemed too perfect. He was nervous as nervous could be and all the people didn't help.

"D – Do I look bad? Should I move over? What if she gets cold feet o – or trips?" his big emerald eyes were full of fear and his hands desperately tried to hide in his pockets. Fèlix merely gave him a pat on the back and smiled from his spot next to the groom.

"You see that stress? All of it will go away the moment she steps through those doors," the shorter man nodded towards the chapel entrance. Bruno swallowed the lump that formed in his throat as he adjusted his jacket. So many people were staring, it didn't feel right. What was taking Kat so long?

The moment the piano began to play, Bruno closed his eyes and prayed. He begged the powers that be for everything to go smoothly and that his Papá, Pedro, and suegra , Lupita, would watch over him and Kat. Would his father have liked her, he wondered?

Bruno's breath hitched in his throat when he heard the doors open. He gradually opened his eyes, jaw dropping to the floor as the love of his life entered the room. He raked his vision across every inch of her breathtaking form, saving it to his memory forever.

She looked so grown-up compared to the girl he fell for as a child. Obviously, she was more mature on the outside, but on the inside, they were two kids dancing around one another. Bruno felt as if he were falling in love for a second time.

"Cat got your tongue?" Fèlix mumbled, snapping him back into reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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