Chapter Five

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Katerina was not sure what to do with herself. She stood in front of Pepa, Fèlix and Bruno, who was awkwardly fiddling with his hands. He had never been nervous around her before...So, what changed?

"Are you okay?" she asked as she sat down at the dinner table. Bruno muttered something and danced around yes for about three minutes.

"We have good news," Fèlix interrupted. Kat perked up as he took one of Pepa's hands, sunshine radiating from her.

"We're getting married!" she squealed. Kat's hands flew up to cover her agape mouth as she gasped.

"Pepa, Fèlix, that's amazing!" she wrapped her arms around both of her friends, laughing the whole time. When they parted, Pepa held her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"It would make me so happy if you would be my Maid of Honour," she beamed hopefully. Kat dropped her jaw and looked between her and Fèlix, who nodded encouragingly. Her mouth opened and closed as if she was trying to figure out what to say.

For a second, her eyes flickered towards Bruno. His big puppy-dog eyes and bashful smile caused a strange flutter in her chest. She returned it then locked eyes with his sister.

"I'd be thrilled," she grinned, pulling Pepa back into another tight hug. The three shared some information about the wedding before Pepa and Fèlix had to run off to prepare. When they were gone, Bruno and Katerina were left alone.

"They're — uh — planning things fairly quickly," he stated with an awkward chortle. Kat smiled and shook her head at that, knowing that it probably ate Fèlix up that he didn't get to ask.

"Well, a wedding is a wedding," she shrugged, standing up from the dining room table. Before she could leave, Bruno grabbed ahold of her arm and tried to pull her back, only for her to sharply inhale from surprise. She whipped around to face him with a dangerous look in her diamond-like eyes.

"Sorry! I'm — I'm sorry," Bruno whimpered, dropping her arm and taking a few steps back. Noticing she had scared him, Kat ran a hand through her dark tresses and sighed.

"Oye, come here," she stretched her arms out towards the men and beckoned him closer. Carefully, he melted into her embrace. The brunette could hear his quickly beating heart through his chest.

"I know you probably have some — uh — duties as the Maid of Honour, but would...would you, um, want to—"

"I'd love to go to the wedding with you," she answered with a bright smile. Her heart felt like it melted when she saw the worry and fear wash away from his face and get replaced by happiness and hope. She giggled when he buried his face in her soft hair that smelled strangely like coconut. Even when he was hunched over, he was a few inches taller than her, making it easy for him to do so.

When they released from the hug, Bruno scratched his cheek sheepishly and spoke, "Yeah, um, thanks, Kat."

When the day of the wedding came, Bruno couldn't stop his palms from sweating. He unintentionally ruined the service by freaking Pepa out, but everything else seemed okay. After the hurricane passed, people swarmed to Casita for the afterparty.

Bruno found himself feeling a tinge of jealousy towards Augustin, Fèlix's best man. He got to dance with Katerina, who was the very definition of a social butterfly. Sure, he hated the fact that so many people were there...watching...but he wished he had the courage to swoop in and steal her away. Luckily, she broke apart from her dancing partner soon after.

"Having fun?" Bruno asked her when she wandered towards the bar.

"I have never been to a party before and I love it!" she giggled, breath hinting at her having too much to drink. She wrapped an arm around her best friend's neck and leaned onto him a bit.

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