Chapter Eight

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"You come down here, right now!"

"Or what?! You're gonna drag me out of the tower? I'd like to see you try!"

"Damn it, Katerina!"

Life with Katerina during the months after her mother's passing was rough. She'd fight anyone who tried to take her out of Bruno's tower — Bruno included. It was a wonder that he put up with it, but he still loved her.

She's just going through a rough time, he told himself every time she tried to kick, claw, or yell at him. He was right but did she have to act like such a brat all the time? She had even fought him to the point of driving him out of their shared bed at night. The couch had been his best friend for three weeks. Alma refused to talk to the girl and no one else could get through to her...

"I'm not going to that dumb festival just so people can harass me!" the brunette pouted like a child who wasn't gifted the newest toy for Christmas. Bruno rubbed his aching temples with his fingers as he paced in front of his door.

"Mamá said we all have to go. You're a part of this family, too," he snapped, making Kat pause. Her eyes danced around the floor as if she was trying to look for something, facial features conveying a myriad of emotions.

"You know as well as I do that that's not true..." she mumbled under her breath. Bruno furrowed his brows in annoyance before grabbing her balled-up fist.

"Kat, you might not be born a Madrigal but you're still mi familia. Same as Fèlix and Augustìn," he said lovingly, a gentle look in his big doe eyes. Kat couldn't take it anymore. It was only when she slammed her fists into his unsuspecting chest that she finally allowed her true colours to show.

"Christ, Bruno, has it ever occurred to your small brain that I might not want to be a part of this family?!" She felt no remorse as she hit him again and again and again. He simply stood there and took it. Why?

Why isn't he fighting back? Why hasn't he yelled back? Why...why is he just standing there?! SAY SOMETHING!

Bruno never moved a single muscle as she took out her anger on his thin body. He even kept his grasp on her wrists. Yeah, it hurt, but no more than the words she had said before. Even the things she was saying now were painful.

"I'm sick of everyone in this family thinking they know what's best for me! Alma can't decide that I'll just move on and forgive that killer for the sake of Encanto! Those idiots in town can't expect me to confess to a crime I didn't commit and you!" she stopped hitting him but her primal, ragged breathing left her looking like some wild animal on a rampage. "You can't decide that I'm okay after everything that's happened!"

There was only silence for the longest time. Some of her hits had already formed bruises on Bruno's skin and there was a rip in his favourite poncho. Her mother had made that for him.

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