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  ϟ  Ares  ϟ

I can already tell that she's making some sort of fucking tea.

I rolled out of bed, not bothering to put a shirt on. As I walked down the stairs, I heard her sweet voice speak, "Last tea to try, I promise!"

I entered the kitchen, smiling to myself, seeing what she was wearing. My fucking t-shirt. 

She handed me the mug, and I took a sip. She stared at me as if I were opening a present. She looked so excited that I hid my disgust at the taste. I told her, "That's really good."

"Right!" she smiled, picking up the mug she made for herself. 

I walked over to her, kissing the top of her head. She grabbed onto my arm, giving it a squeeze, it made me smirk to myself as she looked at my arm.

"Want to go get me a sweater before your pretty mouth starts drooling?"

She rolled her eyes, "I was not going to drool. Well...no, I wasn't."

She walked away quickly to stop herself from rambling more, and I watched her head up the stairs. I quickly poured the tea down the sink, knowing that I couldn't stomach another taste.

She came back down the stairs a few moments later with a sweater for me, and I pulled it over my head. I looked at the clock and reminded her, "Your class starts in 30 minutes. We should leave soon."

"Don't remind me," she sighed. "Wait, did you finish your tea already?"

"Mhm, I told you it was really good," I replied, putting my hand on her lower back as I guided her towards the stairs.

We walked up them, heading down the hallway towards my room. Once we entered, she opened the drawer, pulling some clothes out. While she was in the bathroom, I changed, knowing that I had to go somewhere and do something while she was at school.

I sat on my bed and waited for her, shutting my eyes as I did so. After what felt like too long had passed and she hasn't come out yet, I stood up and walked over to the door. I knocked on it, "Mia? You fall in the fucking toilet or something?"

"Ha-ha," she spoke in an unamused tone. "You can open the door."

I opened the door, seeing her straightening her hair. She was only about halfway done, and I looked at the clock, "We're gonna be late."

She shrugged, "I go slow so that I don't burn myself."

"Give it to me," I took the straightener from her.

I stood behind her, looking down at her hair. I pressed the straightener against her hair before pulling it down, making the wavy strands turn straight. As I straightened her hair, I glanced at the mirror and saw her standing there with a smile.

We're spending the night at her dad's. I'm still pissed at him for what he did to her. But if she wants to give him one more chance, I'll support her. As long as I'm there to knock him on his ass if he tries anything. 

Her dad surrounds her with enough crime. So now, I've been staying out of it. I don't want to be somebody who puts her in danger; I want to be somebody who keeps her safe. 

Once I finished, I unplugged the stranger, and she turned around. She smiled at me sweetly, "Thank you."

"Mhm," I nodded before kissing her quickly.

I dropped her off at school, watching her enter the building before driving away. 


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