"Who's Lan Wangji?" Serenity asked. "Zander's closest friend also semi mentor he was a great warrior he showed Zander how to control his dark powers since it made him somewhat violent." Vahadir explained. "He died giving up his life for him, Darkus killed him in-front of Zander as he watched powerless since back then they had Giselle to help them bind us in order to kill anyone close to us." Aya said crying. "Aya stand up, I'll go check on him." Jackson said as he helped her up then walked away. "I wouldn't like to piss you off but Zander is right we need to go we are exposing even Gu Xiaowu and Asura." Vahadir said as he came up to her and made her look at him.

"We all agree we need to leave is not safe for them we brought them here for a reason." Eva said as she she walked towards them with Murat helping her walk. "You can't even walk and you're suggesting for us to move!" Aya yelled panicked. "Aya calm down!" Yuan Shaui yelled making everyone jump and look at him. "Sorry your highness." Aya apologized. Atem glared at Yuan Shaui but didn't say anything just stared at everyone. "Let's wait till she wakes up perhaps." Nurgül suggested trying to calm everyone down.
Jackson sat down on the chair next to Xiao Feng's bed while she slept soundly and he grabbed her hand giving it a light squeeze. "I want you all to start packing the necessary we are leaving and what's needed on her transfer over to the main villa." Zander commanded and Jackson looked up at him and shook his head. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Jackson asked. "Oh yeah also any injured who isn't an elder who is under our command will be also transferred." Zander commanded and the healers looked at him like he was crazy.

"Zander..." Jackson said as he looked at him serious and Zander stopped pacing back and forth annoying the medical staff. "Yes?" Zander asked. "You forgot to even ask orders from sultana Nurgül even more Sultan Yuan Shaui he's her twin brother." Jackson emphasized on the last part. "Oh... you're right I should've asked if they wanted to move her to her villa or not..." Zander said as he looked down rethinking his actions. "I'm glad I'm still cared for..." Xiao Feng said groaning as she stretched.

"Xiao Feng!" Both Jackson and Zander yelled as they rushed to her. "Careful there you've been hit really badly." Zander said as he was on the other side of the bed next to her. "I should get injured more often turns you into a softie." Xiao Feng teased as she bopped Zander's nose. "You're fine now special treatment over." Zander said as he rolled his eyes and was about to leave when Xiao Feng pulled him into a hug startling him making Jackson laugh.

"Yah get your girlfriend off me will ya!" Zander squeaked as Xiao Feng rocked herself with Zander in her arms. "Aish stop that Xiao Feng!" Zander yelled trying to pull away. "I'm injured you can't pull away." Xiao Feng said as she kept hugging him. "Go alert your highness she's awake." Jackson said as a nurse came up trying to check on her but Xiao Feng kept bothering Zander.
As soon as they heard the news they all rushed over to where Xiao Feng was staying and saw she was bear hugging Zander while he whined. "That's what you get for overreacting Zander." Jackson said as he relaxed in his chair. "Instead of relaxing there help me get her off!" Zander yelled. "Aish fine you crybaby!" Xiao Feng push him off her while others stared at them. "Umm she heard me trying to transfer her her over away to her villa...." Zander said as he scratched his head.

"Well right now I feel like I can't move so tomorrow Zander but yes start getting ready." Xiao Feng ordered. "Are you sure?" Aya said as she walked up to the bed looking worried. "You cried and that's rare of you so yes I'm fine don't worry about it." Xiao Feng said as she smiled. "I'm glad you're alright Xiao Feng." Nurgül said fighting the urge to go hug her and kiss her forehead. "Thank you." Xiao Feng bowed her head slightly. "Sorry about that I didn't want to hit you with those attacks." Yuan Shaui said feeling sorry.

"It's okay I needed to cancel the mark of the black rose some way so I somehow got in the way so it hit me too." Xiao Feng confessed scratching her head while looking down. "Are you sure you're alright?" Atem asked as he walked up to her. "Yes I'm fine just feeling like I've been hit by a bus." Xiao Feng said as she laid down. "You should be careful next time." Atem whispered. "Pharaoh let's drink some tea." Téa suggested as she pulled him by the arm.

The Warrior Princess and The Pharaoh of the Millennium Puzzleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें