Twenty EIGHT: College

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"Hey, let me help you with that

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"Hey, let me help you with that..." A tall young man says as he sees you carrying a box load of Jungkook's stuff. Today, you're all helping him move in to his college dorm room and this is the only box light enough for you to carry.

"No it's fine, I got it... Thanks." You quickly strode away to avoid any further interactions. This was your 3rd encounter with different male students from the time you got there. All of them offering to carry stuff for you.

The first one was so insistent on getting your number that you ended up telling him you don't have your phone with you just when your cell phone rang loudly in your pocket... Awkward. 

The second one didn't insist but creepily followed you until you reach Jungkook's room. The moment he saw Jungkook looking like a predator about to pounce on him, he quickly ran away, leaving both of you laughing at how that turned out.

He pulls you closer and wrapped both arms around your waist. "I leave you for one minute and vultures are already circling the perimeter." He leans in to rub his nose against yours, sending you giggling like a little girl.

Jungkook presses his soft lips on your forehead and just stays like that for a few seconds. He pulls away and cups your chin to meet his lips for a chaste kiss. Feeling your lips on him was all he needed to forget his worries of leaving you behind.

Good thing his parents were at the dorm's administration office to sign some papers or else you wouldn't have the freedom to be all clingy around each other. It felt like moving in together as you're both fixing his stuff, hanging a new set of blinds on the window, arranging his toiletries in the bathroom and changing the light bulb in his study nook.

Since Jungkook came in with a scholarship, being part of the school's swim team, his parents made sure to get him a solo dorm room despite the cost. Although he was fine staying in the free dorm for the school varsity, his mom insisted he gets his own place  since it's the only major thing they had to pay for his college.

You went back to the truck and was approached by the same guy you just ran away from. Are college boys really this bold as to come up to any girl in sight? You wonder, clearly not realizing  how you're actually a guy magnet with your beautiful angelic face and curvy figure that you often hide under loose clothes.

"Hey... I'm sorry if I scared you... it wasn't my intention... and please don't worry, I'm not following you, that's actually my car right there." He pointed to the handsome sports car blocked by Mr. Jeon's truck and you're now feeling guilty for freaking out after seeing him there.

"Oh I'm so sorry... I'll take the truck off the way." You were about to hop in the driver's seat when Jungkook's parents appeared.

"I'm moving the truck..." You were still saying something when the guy suddenly introduced himself to the couple.

"Good morning ma'am, sir... I'm Dylan... I was just asking your daughter to move the car." He says after bowing to them respectfully.

"Oh we're so sorry Dylan, we didn't mean to block your way but there wasn't any space available when we got here." Mrs. Jeon says looking very apologetic.

"You're a student here?" Mr. Jeon asked curiously.

"Yes sir.  I'm an Engineering student, going sophomore this year." He says politely.

"Are you free for some snacks? My son could probably get a few tips from you about the university." Mr. Jeon says boldly.

"Sure sir, I'm pretty much done moving so I guess I'm free to join you."

"So you're joining this university next year?" Dylan asked from across the table in the nearby school cafe.

You've been waiting for Jungkook and his parents in the last 20 minutes but they're nowhere in sight. Mr. Jeon insisted you come with Dylan while they get Jungkook from his dorm.

Not that he's a bad guy. He's actually really nice but how can you tell him you have a boyfriend when Mr. Jeon already introduced you as their daughter and is about to bring Jungkook there as their son?

The door chime goes off and you darted your eyes instantly to the entrance. Seeing Jungkook looking a bit confused with what's going on, you tried to communicate with your eyes but he was somehow averting your gaze. He's mad.

His parents followed and an awkward introduction was made. You've been trying to catch Jungkook's eyes but he was so bent on not looking your way.

Jungkook's dad kept talking about how Dylan and Jungkook can probably hang out as friends but he would direct the conversation back to you and that somehow made Jungkook more irritated.

"It's nice to know you're coming here next year... I cans till help you around campus." Dylan said nicely.

"Thanks..." was all you could say.

"Maybe we can exchange numbers... if that's okay with you." He pulls out his phone and gave it to you right in front of Jungkook.

"Excuse me, I'll just go to the bathroom..." Jungkook says before hastily getting up and leaving all of you behind.

You wanted to go after him but you can't risk looking suspicious in their eyes. This has been getting more complicated than before. You want to tell Jungkook the real story. He might have an impression that you initiated this whole thing, meeting up with another guy and dragging him and his parents into it.

Somehow you feel something was off. Mr. Jeon has never been this comfortable with newfound friends. He never really meddled in anything that involved you or Jungkook's social life in school. Now he's been pushing for Dylan to get to know you.

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