"It's not for me. It's for our friend back there in the containment cell."

"The monster?!"

"Yes. But please don't call him that. I need you to prepare your best beef and I want 10 to 20 kilograms of it. Actually make it 20."

"20 kilograms?! But Sir, do you understand that it needs to be cooked for hours."

"Well, in that case that shall be for dinner. I don't know what you could make for breakfast since he can eat a large amount of everything."

"I have no idea, Sir. We have only two ovens and a stove. It's enough to prepare food for a lot of people, but not to prepare the amount you're asking for."

"In that case we need to make another cooking department only for the preparation of his meals. I'll take care of that. Until then we'll have to feed him raw meat."

"That's awful. But thankfully, even us humans can eat raw meat. Maybe I can use some seasoning to make it taste better."

"That would be wonderful. I'll send a request for more supplies to the White House today. We will make sure that he has everything he needs. Oh, and serve me a plate of that beef too."

"Are you sure about that? Have you ever eaten raw meat before?"

"No. But I can't allow myself to eat something better cooked or baked when I know he can't eat it too."

"If that's what you want, then I shall do my best and prepare it as well as I can."

"I know you will. Now I need to go. We have a lot of work to get done here."

"Very well. Come around whenever you want. And what shall we serve the others?"

"Prepare something nice for them. They don't have to eat raw meat as well."



"Hay, buddy. I'm back. Sorry that it took me long."

Russia jumped up from excitement and ran to the glass. Just as he stops in front of the glass he saw two other people holding boxes look at him terrified.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind me letting them come here. They brought your gift."

Russia let out a purr in approval. This made the two soldiers confused.

"Thank you. Okay you two, put them down."

They put the boxes in the corner.

America looked down the hallway and waved his hand. This confused Russia.

"You two can go. NEXT!"


That's when more soldiers came in with more boxes in their hands. As two came the one's before them left. Boxes were stacked one onto the other and down the hall. And eventually after a couple of minutes they stopped.

The last two soldiers stopped in front of America informing him that they are done and that there are no more of them left.

"Excellent. Now please, go to the cafeteria. The chef said that he has something special for us today."

"Thank you. But don't you need help with putting all of this inside?"

"Not for now. I won't try to get in until he allows me to."

"Alright. But if you need anything let us know."

"I will."

The two soldiers walked away and America was again alone with Russia.

"Sorry about that. But there was too much for me to carry on my own as you can see."

Russia ignored him, he looked over at the many boxes, curious about what may be inside.

"Want to know what's inside?"

Russia looked down at him and nodded his head.

"We can open them right after we eat. And I'm sorry to tell you that we won't be able to serve you cooked meet today. We just don't have the right equipment for that right now. But the chef said that he will do his best and make the meat as tasty as possible."

Russia nodded. He could see that American felt bad for not being able to fulfill his wish. But he knows that America will do everything he can to keep his word.


America looked down the hall and he could see his chef waving to him. In front of him was a cart resembling a table with a large portion of meat on it.

"Looks like breakfast is ready. Bring it over!"

The chef came closer to them and looked up at Russia.

"Oh dear Lord, what have they done to you..."

"Why? What is it?," America asked confused.

"You haven't noticed. Look at his chest. Even under his fur you can see lines following his ribs. He's anorexic."

America's eyes widened and he looked over at Russia. How is it possible that he didn't notice?

Russia purred to let him know that that's okay. They didn't feed him well. He could even go days without eating anything at all. But he was used to that.

"Can you help me push this in?," the chef asked as he pushed the cart to the door.

America snapped out of his thoughts and helped the chef push the meat in.

"Don't worry, Sir. We will get him back to a healthy weight in no time. I think the fact that he's trapped inside of this cell causes him a loss of appetite. I wouldn't feel like eating if I was trapped in that cell."

"I'm working on that. I just feel bad for how they treated him. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to be treated this way."

"We all know that. That's why we are doing all we can to fix that."


"I'll be leaving now. They probably need my help in the cafeteria. I'll come around again when it's time for dinner."

"Thank you."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Here."

He handed America a plate of the same meat they gave Russia. This confused Russia quite a bit. America is a human, he can't eat raw meat.

"Thank you."

The chef nodded and slowly made his way back to the cafeteria. America set down on the floor and started cutting his meat. He was about to put a piece in his mouth when he heard a loud thud.

He looked up to see Russia staring at him. He didn't even touch his food.

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?"

Russia just started down at America's plate. Once he realized that America gave him a soft smile.

"Don't worry. Humans can eat raw meat too if it's well prepared. Not in terms of taste of course. But I won't sit here and eat some delicious food while you eat that."

Russia couldn't believe what he just heard. This is the stupidest yet kindest thing someone did for him in ages.

"Don't worry about me, okay? Just go on and eat."

With that the two of them ate their meals in silence. Yet enjoying each other's presence, knowing that they both care about each other's wellbeing. That's one step closer to building trust between the two of them.

My love in Siberia (RusAme)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora