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"Did you really think you could fool me with a stupid 'clone'? I maybe don't have one eye but I can still distinguish people pretty well."

"It's good to hear that you're still in good shape."

"Have you really doubted?"

"No, of course not."

"Then what was this stupid joke for?"

"Just a little distraction."

"From what?"

"Well didn't my clone give you a little something?"

"No. We sent him back."

"Check with your men, just in case. Maybe he gave it to them."

"Stay on the line."

He heard Soviet talking with someone in Russian. After a couple of seconds he returned to the call.

"Well what do you know, they already sent someone to give me a document you sent."

"Great. Then I guess we will talk again when you get it?"

"We will. And one more thing."


"This better be just a silly joke America. If it turned out that you're trying to play with my nerves you know the consequences. We have a war going on. The last thing I need is someone sabotaging me or trying to make a fool of me at these times. So be careful and pick your words and actions wisely."

"I am. Now I have to get back to my work. Thanks for still having a sense of humor and letting my people go."

"Don't get used to it. Next time I won't show them such mercy."

"I'll keep that in mind. Call me when you get my little gift."

"Knowing you it's not a little gift. Or a gift at all."

"You know me too well. Bye, bye~"

Soviet just hung up. America dropped the phone in a glass of water and walked outside. His man have already set up a camp and soon they will get food and other necessary supplies by their military helicopters. Even though there is enough food in the facility for at least two to three months they can't say precisely how long are they going to stay there. Their best scientists should arrive any minute now. Hopefully they will be able to tell him more about this creature.

By the time Soviet realizes what happened it will already be too late for him to do anything. They are ready to protect this area and stay there for as long as that's necessary. Of course he didn't leave his country unprotected. Canada is taking care of that, considering that he's the only leader that knows about this and that he's a huge animal lover so he also has some empathy for this creature. Besides, who can he count on if not his older brother?


"Let me help you with that."

America took one side of the box in his hands and helped the soldiers take it out of the helicopter.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Please don't call me Sir. We're all in this shit together," America said laughing a bit.

That's when more soldiers came to help.

"We'll take over from here, Sir."

America sighed and shook his head.

"I really need to write a new law that banes that word. Or just remove it from the dictionary."

My love in Siberia (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now