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"Okay, now what's the plan?"

"First of all, have you noticed any guards around here?"

"No.  Not even their people are crazy enough to be outside in this weather. But that doesn't mean that they don't have a security system."

"And we don't really fit in the environment. We need to disable the security cameras. When someone walks out to check on them then we make our way inside... Or we could just simply wait for the military to arrive?"

"Sounds much easier but we don't have enough gas to keep the engines running for that long. And no gas means no air conditioning. We'll have to face them either now or when we get really desperate."

"So that means we need to do something soon. The only problem is that we can't know whet is behind that door. Maybe what I saw on the photograph isn't the only danger waiting for us or maybe there's more of them."

"With all due respect, I still don't understand what you saw on that photo, nor do I understand why you won't show it to me and the others or at least tell us what it is."

"I can't show you what it is, but trust me when I say that what I saw almost gave me a heart attack. It's so horrifying that if I tried to describe it, you'd think that I went nuts."

"At least let me see what we're dealing with."

America hesitated but pulled out the folded papers from his pocket.

"You understand Russian?"


"Then it won't be a problem for you to understand this."

He handed the papers to the agent. He unfolded them and his eyes went over the text. After he finished with reading he scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Okay, this is messed up..."

"Are you ready to see the photo now?"

"I hope so..."

He reached into his other pocket and pulled out the photo. The agents eyes widened in horror as he saw the photo. Slowly he took it in his hands and observed it.

"I don't know about you, but I hope this is fake..."

"I do too. I do too."

"If I'm honest, if this turns out to be just a trap I wouldn't even get stressed about it."

"And if it's not?"

"If not, then we're dead. Actually we're dead either way, but I'd rather get killed by humans than this...thing?..."

"I'm only worried about the possibility that that 'thing' is actually a living being tortured until they teach it how to obey their orders. If things are like that then we may not kill it."

"What? Are you insane? Every second that passes by with that thing alive is more dangerous then the last one. Every heartbeat could be our last. It's too risky."

"You said the same thing about going back into the storm, and what happened at the end?"

"I was wrong," he admitted, obviously not happy that he's saying that.

"We can not judge someone or something just because they're different. The files say that they were running experiments on it for several months which could mean that that thing doesn't look the same today as it did when they... created it?... Wait..."


"Is there any part of that text saying something about how they got that monster?"

"No. Nothing about that."

My love in Siberia (RusAme)Where stories live. Discover now