•|• Part 25 •|• Part 1 •|•

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"...Is there something going on between you and Akaashi?"

"What are you talking about. Why would you even think that," Kuroo laughed a little turning to face Kenma. Kenma wasn't looking at Kuroo, he was looking down at his feet.
"Why was he here this morning," Kenma said still looking down.
"Like he said, I had something of his and he came to get it," Kuroo lied.
"Then why was he in your kitchen?" Kenma questioned clenching his hands into fists.
"Okay, I had his coat and he had mine so he came to get it back," Kuroo lied again. Kenma looked up, meeting eyes with Kuroo.
"K. I'll let you change then," Kenma said and walked out closing the door behind him.

"What was that," Hinata asked making his eye brows go up and down but stopping shortly after seeing Kenmas face.
"Did something happen between you two?" Kageyama asked walking up to Kenma.
"No I'm just hungry," now it was Kenmas turn to lie.
"Okay well then he better hurry or we are leaving without him," Hinata said loudly making it so Kuroo could hear. A second later Kuroo walked out.
"Okay I wasn't taking that long for you guys to start yelling," Kuroo laughed rolling his eyes playfully.
"Woo let's go!" Hinata cheered pushing everyone out the door.

Kuroo and Kenma went into one car as Hinata and Kageyama went in their own.
"So wanna talk about why you are so depressed all the sudden?" Kuroo asked keeping his eyes on the road.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Kenma said looking out his side window not wanting to continue talking.
"Are you sure? You won't even look at me," Kuroo said looking at Kenma for a second then back to the road.
"Yeah I'm sure," Kenma replied annoyed.
"Alright," Kuroo said feeling a wave a guilt washing over him.

The four had arrived to a nice cafe called "Drift Wood Cafe". They were seated and started looking at the menus.
"What are you guys thinking," Hinata asked reading the menu.
"Waffles," Kageyama said still reading with sparkles in his eyes.
"Pancakes," Kenma said his mouth practically watering.
"What," Kageyama said looking up and Kenma.
"Pancakes are better," Kenma shrugged not looking up.
"What do you mean waffles are better you can put fruit and such in the little squares," Kageyama argued back. They two went back and forth as a man walked up to they four.
"Hello I'm Dale and I'll be your server today. Is there anything I can get you started with?" The server 'Dale' asked kindly setting waters down for each of them.
"Yeah can we all get some orange juice and then we'll need some more time with the menu," Hinata smiled looking at Kuroo who nodded in agreement.
"Alright I'll be back with your drinks," Dale smiled before leaving.
Kuroo and Hinata looked at the other two who were still arguing about waffles and pancakes. The two laughed then looked back at their menus.
"So what are you thinking," Kuroo asked.
"I'm thinking..." Hinata said thinking for a bit. "Why Kenma is so up set after talking with you and why Akaashi was in you apartment this morning "looking" for something in your kitchen, which you I know you don't put anything in there," Hinata said lowly and not looking up from his menu. Kuroos eyes widen and looked up for a second then looking back down.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Akaashi had to get something and Kenma is just being Kenma. I tried asking what was up and he won't even tell me," Kuroo replied. Hinata just hummed and looked over at Kageyama.
"So what are you planning on getting?" Hinata flashed a sweet smile like he wasn't just spitting acid at Kuroo.
"Waffles if course to show that they are better than pancakes," Kageyama said glaring at Kenma who glared back.
"What about you Kenma?" Hinata said looking over at Kenma who was now having a staring contest with Kageyama.
"Pancakes," was all Kenma said. Hinata laughed at the two as Kuroo kept his eyes on his menu.

Secret Affair || KuroAka Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon