•|• Part 17 •|•

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Small snores were coming from Kenma who was laying on Kuroos chest. They were still on the couch from last night after their double date with Bokuto and Akaashi.

Kuroo woke from his sleep feeling something light on his chest. Looking down he saw Kenma snoring away like a little kitten. Cute, Kuroo thought to himself as he got up carefully not to wake the sleeping boy. Kuroo walked into the kitchen, "maybe making a good breakfasts would be good," Kuroo said out loud as he started grabbing ingredients and utensils to make something for breakfast.

Little while later Kenma woke from a delicious smell coming from his kitchen, he got up letting the blanket that was keeping him warm, fall from him landing half on the ground and half on the couch. Kenma made his way over to his kitchen. He saw Kuroo flipping pancakes and letting bacon sizzle on the stove.

Kuroo turned his seeing Kenma walking in. "Good morning, I'll make you a plate after this batch of pancakes. Just take a seat and I'll sever you," Kuroo gave Kenma a closed eye smile making Kenmas heart skip a beat. Kenma just gave him a smile and went to sit at his island in that was connected to his living room and kitchen.

Not even 5 minutes later and Kuroo pushed a plate in front of Kenma. It had 3 pancakes stacked, with 2 bacons, strawberries around everything, and on top of the pancakes was syrup and a little thing of butter. Kenmas eyes widen in excitement from the smell and pretty placement of the plate in front of him.

"Thanks, it smells and looks good," Kenma said grabbing his fork, knife, and started to eat.
"I hope it is," Kuroo replied and started making himself a plate.

They sat and ate their food while talking about little things. Kuroos phone buzzed, so he grabbed it to see what it was.


Hey we should             yesterday
hang out
but just the two of

Morning <3                9:27am

Good morning
Sorry didnt see your text
Fell asleep

No worries I thought that
Well what do you think?
Want to go out just
us two :)

Yeah that sounds good
Theres a nice cafe
I think we should go there
Wanna go today for lunch?

That sounds great I'll see you
Around noon then?

Yup around noon
I'll pick you up!
See yah <3

Yeah sounds good
see yah <3

     Kuroo put his phone down with a smile and finished his food.
     "Who was that?" Kenma asked not looking up and still eating.
     "Oh, just Bokuto. He was talking about Akaashi and stuff," Kuroo chuckled a little and got up to clean his dishes.

     "I should be heading put now. Thanks for letting me stay the night," Kuroo finished the last dish, wiped his hands on a towel, and grabbed his stuff.
     "Yeah no problem, you welcomed here anytime, I mean you already have a key," Kenma laughed a little and walked Kuroo to the door.

     "Alright bye see yah," Kuroo smiled, waved and headed out. Kenma waved after him then closed the door.
     "What are you hiding from me?" Kenma asked and continued about his day.

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